Guide to setting up your IT essentials

Whether you’re setting up your IT at UNSW for the first time or troubleshooting a problem, our guide will help you find the information you need for all the essentials. 

Please note: You need to enrol in at least one subject before you can access your student email. 

Once enrolled, you will be able to sign in after 48 hours.

  • Your UNSW username is your

    Use your login to access online resources at UNSW. You can find your zID printed on your student ID card or your offer letter (eg. z1234567).

  • UNSW systems require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) so you will need to install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your device.

  • Change your password on Identity Manager. 

    You’ll be required to update your password every 6 months for security reasons.

  • The Uniwide and Eduroam Wi-Fi networks are available for students to access.

    These networks offer fast, secure wireless network connectivity from a wide range of locations across UNSW’s campuses.

  • Moodle is the main learning management system for access to course outlines and online learning.

  • Email is the main way UNSW communicates with students. 

    Login with your UNSW username.
    Each student is automatically assigned a UNSW email address. 

  • A whole range of free software is available to you, including Office 365, Microsoft Teams, some specialty software and more.

Contact IT

IT services are available for technical support or to report a problem. 

T: +61 2 9385 1333
E: Submit an enquiry
W: IT Services website

Or visit Getting Started Services in the Library for face-to-face IT support.

Need 24/7 support?

Say hello to MytiBot, the UNSW IT chat bot here to assist you with your enquiries: 

Do you need to reset your password?
Not sure what software is available to you?
Confused about how to install VPN?