Before you start your studies, it’s important to orient yourself and prepare for the challenges ahead, particularly if you haven’t studied online before. We've got all the tips you need to help you get started, transition to online learning, engage with your online community, and much more.

We've curated this orientation page for UNSW Online students on the hexamester calendar and enrolled in Master of Analytics, Master of Applied Finance, Master of Cyber Security, Master of Data Science, Master of Financial Technology, Master of Human Resource Management, or Master of Management

Have you reviewed your new student checklist?

Get off to a flying start this hexamester by following our checklist and ensure you've done all the necessary steps to get you set up. From accepting your offer to completing mandatory modules, our checklist helps you transition into your studies smoothly. 

Students sitting on the steps with their laptops open in the Anita B. Lawrence Centre on Kensington Campus
Transitioning to Online Learning

Haven't studied in a while? No matter your study experience, we're here to guide you through your online journey.

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Get study tips from students

Studying online can be challenging. Get advice from experienced students about getting organised and staying motivated!

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Engage with your community

As a UNSW student, you are part of a large and exciting learning and social community. Find your circle and connect with your peers.

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Explore your support services

UNSW has many support services that can help you with all aspects of your studies and wellbeing. Get help whenever you need it.

Accessing software for study

We have various apps to assist you with your studies. From Microsoft Office 365 to MATLAB, these tools are available for free. 

Course outline finder

Get to know your courses ahead of the hexamester and find all the information on your convenor, assessment details and more.

Community Day 2024

Need help planning your courses for the year?

myPlan is a program progression planner tool designed to help you track your courses throughout your studies and what you have to enrol in to complete your requirements. 

Have a question?

Contact us for advice on all things UNSW, including program-specific questions, essential services, and even support and development. We’re here to help.