Support & services

Make the most of everyday student life with our many support services

Students doing presentations in a classroom on Paddington Campus

Your academic journey is more than just your studies. We're here to ensure you are set up for success.

UNSW offers an extensive range of support services, resources and tools to help you complete your studies. From academic support, financial assistance, all the way to health and wellbeing, we're here to ensure that you have a seamless academic journey.

IT support

How to set up your IT

Everything you need to know about your digital learning tools, including software, Moodle, email and accessing campus WiFi.

Cybersecurity top tips

Ensure you have the necessary protective measures in place to defend you against cyberattacks. Read on for all the tips from our IT team.


Get to know existing scams that might be targeting you and the steps you need to take to protect yourself when handling the situation. 

Have a question?

Contact us for advice on all things UNSW, including faculty-specific questions, essential services, and even support and development. We’re here to help.