Get your student ID card

All you need to know about getting your UNSW student ID card set up.

A student getting their ID card issued in The Nucleus: Student Hub

Why you need a student ID card

Your UNSW student ID card is your pass to a range of student services at UNSW. Plus, it’ll score you some serious perks, like student discounts and reduced fares on public transport. 

This page tells you all you need to know about how to request your ID card, how to replace your card if it’s lost or stolen, and the conditions that apply to using your ID card.

Getting your card printed for the first time

New to UNSW?

Your student ID card will be available 60 days before the commencement of your first term. Make sure you've been enrolled in a course for at least 48 hours, then please follow the steps below to obtain your student ID card.

    • Whether you are a new or continuing student, you will need to make an appointment to print your student ID card. 

      You will not be able to get your student ID card during your appointment unless:

      1. You have been enrolled in a course for at least 48 hours; and
      2. You have your official ID document with you.

      Location: The Nucleus: Student Hub, Level 2, UNSW Main Library (turn right by the main entrance of the library).

Do you have a different preferred name?

If you have a preferred name that is not on your official documents that you would like to be known by informally at UNSW, you can register this on myUNSW.

A preferred name may be:

  • your nickname or an abbreviated form of your name

  • another name you are known by to family and friends.

Registering a preferred name will reflect on class lists and online UNSW systems like myUNSW and Moodle. All formal documentation will still reflect your formal name (full legal name).

Note: You can only amend your First and Second Given Name(s). You cannot change the Family Name of your Preferred Name.

Need a replacement card?

If you need a replacement ID card, visit The Nucleus: Student Hub, open weekdays 10am-5pm. Our helpful staff will be able to issue you a new card on the spot.

What you’ll need to bring

Staff will need to complete a photo ID check before issuing you a new card. You will need to bring one form of government-issued identification, which could include: 

  • Drivers license 
  • State-issued photo card 
  • Passport
  • Additional information:
    • My name has changed
      You can make a correction or update your personal details and receive a new student ID card by filling out the Correction or Change of Personal Details Request Form (PDF).
    • Expired card
      Bring your expired ID card to The Nucleus: Student Hub to receive a new student ID card free of charge. Student ID cards are valid for 3 years for enrolled students.
    • Lost or damaged card
      For security reasons, visit The Nucleus: Student Hub as soon as possible to receive a new student ID card. No additional documentation required.

The replacement card fee is $25 for lost or damaged ID cards. Bring a credit or debit card to make your payment; cash payments are not accepted. 

Replacements for faulty or expired student ID cards, or if you change your name, are free of charge.

Frequently asked questions

Have a question?

Contact us for advice on all things UNSW, including faculty-specific questions, essential services, and even support and development. We’re here to help.