On this page you will find links to information on key UNSW policies, procedures and guidelines that are relevant to students. For a full list of official UNSW policies, procedures and guidelines, please refer to the Governance website.
Assessment and examinations
Enrolment and progression
- Academic Progression
- Enrolment and Withdrawal Procedure (pdf)
- Multiple enrolment rule
- Program discontinuation
- Program leave
- Program transfer
- Recognition of Prior Learning (Coursework Programs) Procedure (pdf)
- Units of credit for courses
- Anti-Racism Policy (pdf)
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (pdf)
- Student complaint procedure (pdf)
Information technology
- Acceptable use of UNSW Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources
- Rules for use of UNSW Email
- UNSW Email Policy (pdf)
- myUNSW terms and conditions of use
Postgraduate study and research
- Disclosure of enrolment information and release of information to third parties
- Right to Information
- Student Privacy Code of Practice
Student rights and responsibilities
- Attendance at classes
- Complaints and appeals
- Copyright (pdf)
- Education services for overseas students (ESOS)
- Health and Safety Policy (pdf)
- Maintenance of contact and personal details
- Rules for use of UNSW Email
- Social media guide
- Student conduct
- Student ID card - conditions of use