Everything you need to know about fee remission at UNSW

In some circumstances, you can have your course fees remitted or refunded. This is also known as fee remission. You may be automatically eligible for a refund or fee remission at UNSW or you may need approval. Explore your options here.

Check the census date

If you withdraw from a course before the relevant teaching period census date, you will not incur tuition fee/student contribution charges for the course.

Refunds and remission

You can request a UNSW refund of tuition fees if you have:

  • Overpaid your tuition fees or

  • Withdrawn from your studies before the relevant census date.

You can apply for a fee remission if you have:

  • Withdrawn from your studies after the relevant census date and can demonstrate special circumstances 

If you are an international fee-paying student and you discontinue your program in your commencing semester/term, you’ll be charged a Program Discontinuation Fee.

Overpayment of fees 

If you have overpaid, please request a refund for overpayment of fees.

Withdrawal before the census date

If you withdraw from a course before the relevant teaching period census date, you will not incur tuition fee/student contribution charges for the course, and therefore do not need to follow this procedure.

Withdrawal after the census date

Commonwealth Government Legislation (The Higher Education Support Act 2003) stipulates that in special circumstances you may apply for remission of HELP debt, FEE-HELP, HECS-HELP, student contribution amounts and tuition fees if you withdraw from a course after the relevant census date. There can be no refund of the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF), opens in a new window.

Thank you for your patience

Due to fluctuating application volumes, processing times may exceed the usual 28 working days. We are working to provide an outcome for your Fee Remission application as quickly as possible and appreciate your understanding during this period.

Applying for fee remission after the census date

Your Account

UNSW holds any overpayments or credits in your student account, to be applied to your fees for the next semester or term.

UNSW adheres to the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) and will, in all cases, attempt to return any credit back to the originating card or card/ account holder.

Refunds will only be made in Australian Dollars.

Overpayments will be held for a maximum of 6 years, after which the balance will be transferred to the Office of State Revenue.

How to check your current balance

If you are a current student of UNSW view 'My Current Liability' in your My Student Profile tab on myUNSW.

If your account is in credit you can use the Refund Request Form (PDF, 170 KB) to request the credit amount. Your refund may take up to four weeks to process.

Suspected fraudulent documentation

Where a student is suspected of providing fraudulent documentation, UNSW will consider the student account to be on hold until the investigation has concluded and a decision regarding the outcome of the investigation has been communicated to the student.  No refund of any visa processing fee, application fee, tuition fee or deposit, will be made during the time the account is on hold.  It should be noted that any payments made may be found forfeit at the conclusion of the investigation.

Program Discontinuation Fees

International fee-paying students who discontinue from their program after paying a deposit to secure their place and have not completed at least one term/semester of study will be charged 50% of their deposit fee.

This charge will serve as a disincentive or deterrent to discontinuing in the commencing semester/term after committing to a place at UNSW. This will apply to all international students enrolled in an award program.

The commencing term or semester is defined by one or a combination of the following:

  • The term, semester or teaching period specified in the letter of offer for which admission was accepted;
  • The term or semester for which the student paid their deposit;
  • The term or semester in which the student began or will begin their studies at UNSW, regardless of whether the student was studying at another institution.

Completion of a previous program does not exempt the student from this fee.

Where no enrolment exists and a request to withdraw is made after your first census date has passed, international residency status is determined based on the status applicable at the census date of your commencing term or semester as defined above. 

In cases where the student remains enrolled in course(s) after the census date no refund will be applicable and the student will remain liable for the full tuition and associated costs levied as at the census date.

 Want to find out more about refunds and remission?

If you have any questions about studying at UNSW or how you can apply for a refund, contact us below. We're here to help.