What is a student loan?

Unlike a HECS-HELP loan that is funded by the Australian Government, a student loan comes directly from UNSW. A UNSW student loan is an interest-free loan for students whose academic progress is, or may be, impacted by a financial need.   

Who is eligible for a student loan?

Student loans are available to eligible students, including domestic and international and those studying part-time and full-time. To be eligible, you must:

  • Be currently enrolled at UNSW.
  • Have completed at least one semester/term of study 
  • Be in good academic standing.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to repay the loan within the required timeframe.
  • Have no outstanding debts to UNSW.
  • Provide documentary evidence for loans over $200.

Looking for help with managing your money? 

Our Student Support Advisors can provide tips and advice on basic budgeting.