Understanding Student Equity@UNSW


The Understanding Student Equity at UNSW online modules will build student and staff understanding of the Gateway Equity Target (GET), widening participation in higher education more broadly, and how we are working to transform the undergraduate student community at UNSW.

You’ll hear directly from students who have entered UNSW through the Gateway Admission Pathway and will gain useful insights into their experience.

By completing the course, you will learn about:

  • what UNSW’s GET is and the key initiatives that support its progress
  • the importance of creating access pathways to university for students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds, such as the Gateway Admission Pathway and Program 
  • the current demographics and academic profile of the Gateway cohort
  • how the Gateway cohort represents a diverse group of students, with each student bringing unique knowledge and experiences to UNSW
  • the strengths that students from underrepresented backgrounds, and having a diverse student body, bring to the UNSW community.

More on student equity at UNSW

Student equity initiatives

Addressing the underrepresentation of students from disadvantaged schools and backgrounds.

Gateway Equity Target

UNSW is committed to having an undergraduate community that is reflective of the broader Australian population and enabling access, participation, and graduate success for students from equity cohorts.


By measuring progress against our strategic goals and objectives we are able to optimise activities and maxmise impact.