Managers, supervisors, academics and any students in leadership or support roles are especially encouraged to attend.

2024 schedule and registrations:

Term 1

Tuesday 5 March, 1-4pm, on-campus - This session has ended.

Term 2

Thursday 27 June, 1-4pm, online - This session has ended.

Term 3

Wednesday 16 October, 1-4pm, on-campus - Please register for a future session or join the waitlist.

Please note that due to the interactive, confidential nature of in-person training sessions, recordings are not available.

  • In 2024, LGBTQIA+ Allyship@UNSW training will be completed as a 2.5-3 hour, in-person or online workshop. Workshops will run once per term (three times during the year) and are open to all current UNSW staff and students.

  • UNSW is committed to delivering diversity training as a critical tool that supports staff capacity to build and promote a respectful and inclusive culture. Diversity training helps promote awareness of issues related to equity, diversity, and inclusion including understanding different cultures, identities, and experiences and how they may impact interactions and relationships in the UNSW community.

    Training offered by Diversity and Inclusion develops participants' capacity to adjust behaviours, address discrimination and leverage support services to confidentially assist staff and students within LGBTQIA+ communities.

    The workshop is organised into three sections which are interactive and participatory:

    • Contextualising & Building Knowledge
    • Tools for Allyship
    • Practising Allyship

    The workshop culminates with a 30-minute lived experience panel conversation with members of the UNSW Ally Steer Co.

    Learning outcomes include:

    • Participants have an increased understanding of the diverse experiences within LGBTQIA+ communities  
    • Participants have an increased understanding of inclusive language when referring to and or speaking with LGBTQIA+ communities  
    • Participants have an increased understanding of and confidence to access and refer to UNSW policy and services that support LGBTQIA+ communities  
    • Participants have an increased confidence to harness their personal strengths and capabilities to actively support and uplift the voices of LGBTQIA+ communities 
    • Participants have an increased understanding of the roles of an active ally@UNSW 

    Once you complete the workshop, you will be required to complete a survey to confirm your ally@UNSW membership. We encourage all participants to become members of the ally@UNSW Network but understand that it’s not suitable for everyone. See more information about the roles of an ally@UNSW.

    • All in-person training sessions will be held in wheelchair and lift accessible CATS rooms at UNSW Sydney Kensington campus (if not otherwise specified).  
    • Facilitators and panellists will speak using lapel or wireless hand-held microphones. 
    • Online training will have closed captioning enabled and transcripts can be provided upon request. 
    • PowerPoint slides can be provided in advance of the training upon request. 
    • Please indicate any further accessibility requirements in the registration form.
    • Attendance for this training is capped at 50 participants to ensure physical distancing can be maintained. 
    • Masks are strongly encouraged in all indoor areas at UNSW.
    • Do not attend training if you feel unwell, have recently experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.

The role of an ally@UNSW

Your role as an active ally@UNSW involves a commitment to creating an inclusive environment for LGBTIQ+ identifying students and staff.

This includes being publicly listed (you may opt out) on the website and being a trusted, safe, confidential contact who continues to learn, recommends areas for improvement at UNSW, calls out discrimination when it's safe to do so, and encourages LGBTIQ+ voices – sharing articles, posting on social media and engaging your local areas to celebrate and recognise days of significance like Mardi GrasIDAHOBIT and Wear It Purple.

More on the ally@UNSW Network


Since 2008, UNSW has built a network of students and staff who pledge to take a proactive stance against discrimination based on diverse genders, sexes and sexualities.

Find an ally@UNSW

Want to talk? Our  ally@UNSW members are trained and able to provide confidential referral advice.

Ally Network - Lunch & Learns

Learn about a variety of intersectional LGBTQIA+ topics and connect with students and staff within the UNSW community. Lunch & Learns provide a chance to grab a bite, continue to build knowledge, and hear from members of UNSW with diverse lived experiences.