LGBTQIA+ community

LGBTQIA+ people continue to face challenges in society that their non-LGBTQIA+ equivalents may not experience.


Inclusion for everyone

UNSW uses the acronym LGBTQIA+ as the inclusive umbrella that recognises the most common categories within gender and sexuality diverse populations and people with innate variations of sex characteristics (intersex people), and acknowledges there are many variations of the acronym.

Using appropriate terminology in all forms of communication allows people to feel included. Read more about inclusive language.

Gender Affirmation for Students

The Guideline seeks to comprehensively support students affirming their gender at university, while also addressing the other people who play active roles in their study.

Gender Affirmation for Staff

In collaboration with trans and gender diverse students, staff, Allies and the University community, UNSW has developed a Guideline which takes a person-centred approach to gender affirmation.

LGBTQIA+ inclusive language & pronouns

Language matters and using appropriate terminology allows people to feel included.

Be an ally


Since 2008, UNSW has built a network of students and staff who pledge to take a proactive stance against discrimination based on gender and sexuality diverse populations, and people with innate variations of sex characteristics (intersex people).

Find an ally@UNSW

Want to talk? Our ally@UNSW members are trained and able to provide confidential referral advice.


Train to join a community of people who are committed to being allies to the LGBTQIA+ community at UNSW.

Finding support

The University has codes of conduct for both students, opens in a new window and staff, opens in a new window and all policies are inclusive of LGBTQIA+ employees and their families, including UNSW's default superannuation provider UniSuper, opens in a new window, Travel insurance policy, opens in a new window, Relocation policy, opens in a new window and Parental Leave. To find out more, read all policies, opens in a new window.

UNSW Queer Collective

This student-led collective supports and represents all students on campus who are queer - that is, people who identify anywhere within the queer and queer questioning spectrum.

Support & services

Information to help you access services offered at UNSW, seek out likeminded student groups, and connect with broader community support and resources.