- ...
- Our schools
- School of Optometry & Vision Science
- Student life & resources
- Scholarships
- Diabetes Research Grant from the Elizabeth O’Beirne and Robert and Emmy Mather Trust Fund
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Research & impact
Research groups
- Retinal Disease and Clinical Imaging Research Group
- Optical Imaging and Visualisation
- Public Health and Health Systems Research Group
- Myopia Research Group
- Ocular Surface Research (Inc. Dry Eye and Contact Lenses)
- Centre for Eye Health Research Group (CFEH)
- Sensory Processes Research Laboratory
- Eye Research Group
- Vision Loss and Health Ageing Group
- Testing and developing new antimicrobials and overcoming antimicrobial resistance (TADOAR)
- Ocular Pathology Research Group
Research excellence
- Validation of a novel non-invasive high throughput screening tool for peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes
- Eye infection and contact lens
- Development of novel antimicrobial scaffolds
- Preventing injuries and promoting health, safety and mobility for older people with age-related eye disease
- Biomarkers in dry eye disease
- Publications
- Volunteer in our research studies
Research groups
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- Optometry clinic
- About us
- Study areas
- Student life & resources
Research & impact
Research groups
- Retinal Disease and Clinical Imaging Research Group
- Optical Imaging and Visualisation
- Public Health and Health Systems Research Group
- Myopia Research Group
- Ocular Surface Research (Inc. Dry Eye and Contact Lenses)
- Centre for Eye Health Research Group (CFEH)
- Sensory Processes Research Laboratory
- Eye Research Group
- Vision Loss and Health Ageing Group
- Testing and developing new antimicrobials and overcoming antimicrobial resistance (TADOAR)
- Ocular Pathology Research Group
Research excellence
- Validation of a novel non-invasive high throughput screening tool for peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes
- Eye infection and contact lens
- Development of novel antimicrobial scaffolds
- Preventing injuries and promoting health, safety and mobility for older people with age-related eye disease
- Biomarkers in dry eye disease
- Partner with us
- Optometry clinic

Diabetes Research Grant from the Elizabeth O’Beirne and Robert and Emmy Mather Trust Fund has been developed to support UNSW research into the cause and treatment of diabetes particularly with regard to the effect causing blindness absolutely and is administered by the School of Optometry and Vision Science.
All applications for this grant are to be submitted to the UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science Director of Research, Professor Mark Willcox by 5pm AEDT on 1 November each year (if that falls on the weekend, the first Monday after 1 November).
Application form, opens in a new window
Protocol for grant including full selection criteria and eligibility, opens in a new window
Any queries regarding this grant can be directed to Professor Mark Willcox, Director of Research, UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science or Dr Nicole Carnt, Deputy Director of Research, UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science