- About us
- Study areas
- Student life & resources
Research & impact
Research groups
- Retinal Disease and Clinical Imaging Research Group
- Optical Imaging and Visualisation
- Public Health and Health Systems Research Group
- Myopia Research Group
- Ocular Surface Research (Inc. Dry Eye and Contact Lenses)
- Centre for Eye Health Research Group (CFEH)
- Sensory Processes Research Laboratory
- Eye Research Group
- Vision Loss and Health Ageing Group
- Testing and developing new antimicrobials and overcoming antimicrobial resistance (TADOAR)
- Ocular Pathology Research Group
Research excellence
- Validation of a novel non-invasive high throughput screening tool for peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes
- Eye infection and contact lens
- Development of novel antimicrobial scaffolds
- Preventing injuries and promoting health, safety and mobility for older people with age-related eye disease
- Biomarkers in dry eye disease
- Publications
- Volunteer in our research studies
Research groups
- Partner with us
- Optometry clinic
- About us
- Study areas
- Student life & resources
Research & impact
Research groups
- Retinal Disease and Clinical Imaging Research Group
- Optical Imaging and Visualisation
- Public Health and Health Systems Research Group
- Myopia Research Group
- Ocular Surface Research (Inc. Dry Eye and Contact Lenses)
- Centre for Eye Health Research Group (CFEH)
- Sensory Processes Research Laboratory
- Eye Research Group
- Vision Loss and Health Ageing Group
- Testing and developing new antimicrobials and overcoming antimicrobial resistance (TADOAR)
- Ocular Pathology Research Group
Research excellence
- Validation of a novel non-invasive high throughput screening tool for peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes
- Eye infection and contact lens
- Development of novel antimicrobial scaffolds
- Preventing injuries and promoting health, safety and mobility for older people with age-related eye disease
- Biomarkers in dry eye disease
- Partner with us
- Optometry clinic

Who are we?
UNSW Optometry & Vision Science Society (OptomSoc) is a student body led by enthusiastic and dedicated optometry students, from year one to final year. All Optometry and Vision Science students become automatic OptomSoc members.
Our goals are:
- to provide a solid means for managing academic issues
- to provide opportunities for cross-grade networking
- to allow students to engage and become acquainted with employment opportunities, through liaison with external organisations
- to assist in student awareness and knowledge of optometric related organisations.
We are led by six dedicated final year students but consist of numerous leaders and team workers including year representatives from each grade.
Throughout the year we provide a number of social events, a unified means of liaising with academia, and continually search for new ways to provide for our students in terms of networking, education, and professionalism.
Our activities and initiatives are only possible with the support of generous sponsorship, and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors for their continued interest and contribution to UNSW Student Optometry & Vision Science Society.

2025 OptomSoc Executive Committee (L-R): Emily Mai (Treasurer), Josie Wehbe (Vice President), Jessie Woodward (Secretary), Angela Zhang (President), Natasha Nicholas (Marketing Director), Jennifer Du (Events Coordinator)