Welcome to the CFEH research group situated at UNSW Sydney.

The Centre for Eye Health is a joint initiative between Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and UNSW, providing state-of-the-art advanced imaging diagnostic and disease management services to patients free of charge. CFEH has amassed a large database of over 50,000 patients, most of whom have suspected or confirmed ocular disease.  This provides a unique opportunity for research.

Research at the centre has two primary goals:

  1. to develop new methods of detecting ocular disease earlier 
  2. to evolve new referral pathways facilitating early detection.

Current projects at the centre include:

  • Using advanced imaging technologies in early detection and management of these eye diseases.
  • Developing new clinical tests and refining existing tests to improve early detection of eye disease.
  • Using pattern recognition to develop automated methods to assess clinical data.
  • Developing new referral pathways to create efficiencies in public health ophthalmology services.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of collaborative patient management paradigms.

Centre for Eye Health researchers have published their findings in international journals and presented at several prestigious international conferences, including The Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology (ARVO), the American Academy of Optometry (AAO), and the Imaging and Perimetry Society (IPS) symposium. 

For more information, please visit the Centre for Eye Health website, opens in a new window

For current updates on Centre for Eye Health research see the Centre for Eye Health LinkedIn page, opens in a new window.

Our researchers

NHMRC Research Fellow / Scientia Senior Lecturer Lisa Nivison-Smith
NHMRC Research Fellow / Scientia Senior Lecturer

Phone: +61 2 8115 0791 
Email: LNivison-Smith@cfeh.com.au 

Office: Centre for Eye Health UNSW, Kensington 2052 

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Lead Clinician (Glaucoma) Jack Phu
Lead Clinician (Glaucoma)

Phone: +61 2 8115 0792 
Email: jphu@cfeh.com.au 

Office: Centre for Eye Health UNSW, Kensington 2052 

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Contact us

For all enquiries please contact:

Sarah Holland
Centre for Eye Health

T: +61 2 8115 0712
E: sholland@cfeh.com.au