The Ocular Pathology Clinic is primarily a referral clinic where patients at risk of certain eye conditions, as well as those with existing eye conditions, are examined.   Only patients referred by other UNSW clinics or their ophthalmologists will be seen.

As part of the university teaching year, this clinic also allows final year Optometry students to observe ocular conditions under the guidance of highly experienced practitioners, including both ophthalmologists and  optometrists.

Why have I been referred to this clinic?

Certain findings at your initial examination at the UNSW Optometry Clinic warranted a second opinion or further investigation.

Frequently asked questions

Contact us

To book an appointment:

Please direct all Ocular Pathology Clinic enquiries to:

Telephone: (02) 9385 4624 

Looking to give back?

You can volunteer in our studies at UNSW School of Optometry & Vision Science.