- ...
- Our schools
- School of Optometry & Vision Science
- Research & impact
- Volunteer in our research studies
- Healthy eyes and presbyopia
Medicine & Health
Optometry & Vision Science
- About us
- Study areas
- Student life & resources
Research & impact
Research groups
- Retinal Disease and Clinical Imaging Research Group
- Optical Imaging and Visualisation
- Public Health and Health Systems Research Group
- Myopia Research Group
- Ocular Surface Research (Inc. Dry Eye and Contact Lenses)
- Centre for Eye Health Research Group (CFEH)
- Sensory Processes Research Laboratory
- Eye Research Group
- Vision Loss and Health Ageing Group
- Testing and developing new antimicrobials and overcoming antimicrobial resistance (TADOAR)
- Ocular Pathology Research Group
Research excellence
- Validation of a novel non-invasive high throughput screening tool for peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes
- Eye infection and contact lens
- Development of novel antimicrobial scaffolds
- Preventing injuries and promoting health, safety and mobility for older people with age-related eye disease
- Biomarkers in dry eye disease
- Publications
- Volunteer in our research studies
Research groups
- Partner with us
- Optometry clinic
- About us
- Study areas
- Student life & resources
Research & impact
Research groups
- Retinal Disease and Clinical Imaging Research Group
- Optical Imaging and Visualisation
- Public Health and Health Systems Research Group
- Myopia Research Group
- Ocular Surface Research (Inc. Dry Eye and Contact Lenses)
- Centre for Eye Health Research Group (CFEH)
- Sensory Processes Research Laboratory
- Eye Research Group
- Vision Loss and Health Ageing Group
- Testing and developing new antimicrobials and overcoming antimicrobial resistance (TADOAR)
- Ocular Pathology Research Group
Research excellence
- Validation of a novel non-invasive high throughput screening tool for peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes
- Eye infection and contact lens
- Development of novel antimicrobial scaffolds
- Preventing injuries and promoting health, safety and mobility for older people with age-related eye disease
- Biomarkers in dry eye disease
- Partner with us
- Optometry clinic

Just like your body, your eyes and vision change over time. Changes in the eye’s focusing ability for new vision is called presbyopia. The School of Optometry & Vision Science conduct studies for healthy eyes, and the eye conditions of presbyopia. View our current studies.
The research study is looking recruit people who meet the following criteria:
• 18 - 50 years old
• Refractive error (glasses prescription) no greater than +/- 6.00D spherical equivalent and no greater than +/- 3.00D cylinder.
• Good vision (VA at least 6/6 right and left)