The Retinal Disease and Clinical Imaging Research Group is an innovative team whose primary goal is to improve detection, diagnosis and management of retinal disease with a major focus on age-related macular degeneration.

WWe utilise advanced retinal imaging and sophisticated image analysis techniques to better understand the pathogenesis of macular degeneration and identify new biomarkers or new clinical tests that can help improve the care of people with macular degeneration and prevent vision loss.

We collaborate closely with the Centre for Eye Health and public and private ophthalmology clinics in Australia as well as other retinal research groups in the USA, Italy, India and Singapore. We also collaborate with bioengineers at UNSW to improve the success of potential vision restoration devices such as the bionic eye. 

Key skills of our research group

  • Advanced retinal imaging (photography, autofluorescence, infrared, ultrawidefield, OCT, OCTA imaging)
  • Functional testing (standard automated perimetry, microperimetry)
  • Retinal disease diagnosis and classification
  • Biomarker grading
  • High density retinal image analysis and interpretation

Current projects

Our group is currently accepting applications for PhD, MPhil and Honours projects. For a current list of project descriptions, visit Dr Lisa Nivison-Smith, opens in a new window

Our researchers

NHMRC Research Fellow / Scientia Senior Lecturer Lisa Nivison-Smith
NHMRC Research Fellow / Scientia Senior Lecturer

T: +61 2 8115 0791 

Office: Centre for Eye Health UNSW, Kensington 2052 

Contact us

If you are interested in joining this group, contact Dr Lisa Nivison-Smith, opens in a new window