On this page, you’ll find helpful information about studying with UNSW School of Optometry & Vision Science as an undergraduate or postgraduate student. Find details for your student advisor, how to contact us, important policies and procedures, AHPRA registration and much more.
Undergraduate information & policies
The university uses email as an official form of communication for students. All UNSW students have their own email account. The School of Optometry & Vision Science also makes use of this form of communication.
It's extremely important that you know how to use your zMail and ensure that you check it regularly. You are advised to link your official UNSW email address to your habitual email address (e.g., hotmail). You'll miss out on vital information from the school and university if you do not check your zMail.
For more information, visit the IT Service Centre.
T: (02) 9385-1333
E: itservicecentre@unsw.edu.au -
The school office is located in room 3.003 on Level 3, North Wing of the Rupert Myers Building.
E: optometry@unsw.edu.au
T: (02) 9385 4639 -
UNSW Future Students Office
T: 1300 UNI NSW (1300 864 679) -
Contact the Nucleus Student Hub
Manage your enrolment with student web forms
The school has an academic staff member appointed as a Student Advisor. You may approach Associate Professor Michele Madigan to talk about any academic or personal issues affecting your studies. Contact details below:
Associate Professor Michele Madigan
Tel: +61 2 9385 9879
E: m.madigan@unsw.edu.au -
Student equipment kits, replacement items and locker hire available here.
Please note:
On successful completion of the optometry qualification at UNSW (MClinOptom), students must apply for registration with the Optometry Board of Australia to practice within Australia. As part of this process, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), on behalf of the National Board, must check an applicant’s criminal history to ensure only those practitioners who are suitable and safe to practise are granted registration in Australia. Please see AHPRA for further information. For information on registration in New Zealand, please see: ODOB NZ
This document provides information to students about special considerations and applying for a supplementary exam within the School of Optometry & Vision Science - 2019.
You can download the list of approved anatomical abbreviations that can be used by school of Optometry & Vision Science students. Note that these can also be found on Moodle.
Postgraduate information & policies
For further information on research programs contact our Postgraduate Coordinator: Dr Maria Markoulli
Course information enquiries may be directed to the Postgraduate Research Team:
For information on Plagiarism & Academic Integrity please see: Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
See the School of Optometry and Vision Science at UNSW Sydney Postgraduate Programs Handbook for further information.
Coursework Students: Policy on Submission of Assignments and Penalties for Late Assignments
Research Students: Go to Graduate Research School
SOVS visiting committee
The School of Optometry and Vision Science has a longstanding relationship with stakeholders from industry, the Optometry and Vision Science profession and UNSW Sydney.
Our visiting committee meets annually to review school activities and provide advice to the Head of School of Optometry and Vision Science at UNSW Sydney. It acts as a technical advisory board to the school and serves as a source of independent advice with regards to strategy and external relations; how best to meet challenges and respond to opportunities. The committee reviews the outcomes of teaching and our research programs and assists in the development of key research and education linkages with external organisations.