Membrane material development


The centre has invested significant funding and resources over the last few years to develop several technology platforms for the development of new membrane materials. These include; techniques for creating low-fouling surfaces by integrating modified titania particles into flat she and hollow fibre membranes. And, new low temperature hydrothermal techniques, developed in conjunction with Professor Rose Amal for creating superhydrophobic membrane surfaces.

The centre views new membrane material development as a key research area over the next few years and vital for the next step change improvement in membrane performance.

Development of high performance nanocomposite filtration membranes

The occurrence of potentially harmful micro-pollutant compounds such as pharmaceutically active chemicals (PhACs), hormones, pesticides and endocrine disrupters (EDC) in the water environment has attracted increasing research interest in the last few years. 

Nanocomposite membranes

In this project we examined two approaches for fabrication of nano-composite membranes: blending the nanoparticles in the membrane and coating the nanoparticles on the surface of the membrane by low temperature hydrothermal process (LTH).

Atomically thin membranes

The development of atomically thin nanoporous membranes holds significant promise for advancing challenging chemical separations.