Shot of a young therapist speaking to a couple during a counseling session

Staff directory

For all general, administrative or media enquiries, please see the Contact page.

  • School Administration staff



    Nevine Iskander

    School Manager

    Howard Grace

    HSE Advisor

    Jacqualine Huynh

    Business Improvement Officer

    Jamie Parmaxidis


    Jonathan Russell

    HDR Co-ordinator

    Faye Mo

    Teaching Support Administrator

    Gary Truong

    Teaching Support Administrator

    Sharon Ryall

    Research Manager

    Lavina Gupta

    Finance Analyst

    Lucy Dobson

    Administrative Assistant


    Technical Staff



    Frank Hemmings

    Technical Laboratory Manager

    Mira Van Der Ley

    Senior Technical Officer

    Suzy Evans

    Senior Technical Officer

    Rochelle Johnston

    Senior Technical Officer – Boating & Diving

    Bernadette Phu

    Technical Officer

    Vivian Ushiama

    Technical Teaching Officer

    Guy Taseski

    Technical Officer

    Heather Try Technical Officer

    Shinjiro Ushiama

    Technical Officer

  • Name


    Research Centre Affiliations

    Gabriel Abramowitz

    Associate Professor

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Tracy Ainsworth

    Scientia Fellow

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Lisa Alexander

    Associate Professor

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Michael Archer


    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Tony Auld

    Snr Research Fellow, Professor

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Timothy Austin

    Research Assistant

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Andrew Baker

    Professor, CWIRC and BEES

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre, Connected Waters Initiative

    Hayley Bates

    Lecturer - Education Focussed

    Centre for Ecosystem Science, Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Raphael Baumgartner

    Postdoc. Research Associate

    Australian Centre for Astrobiology, Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Pratiksha Bhatt

    Project Officer


    Gilad Bino

    Senior Research Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Russell Bonduriansky


    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Stephen Bonser

    Associate Professor

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Robert Brander

    Associate Professor

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Katherine Brandis

    Senior Lecturer

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Robert Brooks

    Scientia Professor E&ERC

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Kylie Cairns

    Research Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science, Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Amelia Caley

    Research Assistant


    Micheline Campbell

    Research Associate

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Gerry Cassis


    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Marina Cheng

    Research Assistant

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Vilia Co

    Finance Manager

    Climate Change Research Centre

    David Cohen


    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Pedro Colombo

    Research Associate


    William Cornwell

    Associate Professor

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Dympna Cullen

    Wild Deserts Field Ecologist

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Jonathan Daly

    Senior Research Associate

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Richard Davies

    Research Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Szymon Drobniak

    Research Fellow (DECRA)

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Lily Dun

    Research Assistant

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Deepashree Dutta

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Climate Change Research Centre

    David Edwards

    Associate Lecturer

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Suhelen Egan

    Associate Professor

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Moutassem El Rafei

    Research Associate


    Matthew England

    Scientia Professor

    Climate Change Research Centre, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Katherine Erickson

    Research Assistant

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Hannah Etchells

    Research Associate

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Jason Evans


    Climate Change Research Centre

    Daniel Falster

    Deputy Director

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Jose Ferrer Paris

    Research Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Adrian Fisher


    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre, Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Roxane Francis

    Research Assistant

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    David Fuchs

    Computer Systems Officer

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Anna Gillespie

    Technical Officer

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Zoe Gillett

    Research Associate


    Rishav Goyal

    Postdoc. Research Associate


    Ian Graham

    Senior Lecturer

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Hedley Grantham

    Chief Scientist and Director

    Fowlers Gap Arid Zone Research Station,

    Stephen Gray


    Climate Change Research Centre

    Donna Green

    Associate Professor

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Paul Gribben

    Associate Professor

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Saskia Grootemaat

    Postdoc. Research Associate

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    David Gwyther

    Postdoc. Research Associate

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Heather Haines

    Research Associate

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Sylvia Harmon-Jones

    Postdoc Research Associate

    Evolution & Ecology Research Centre

    Melissa Hart

    Associate Professor

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Tahneal Hawke

    Research Associate


    Sylvia Hay

    Research Assistant

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Michael Hemming

    Postdoctoral Fellow - Oceanography

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Sanaa Hobeichi

    Research Associate

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Thomas Hunt

    Research Officer

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    David Hutchinson

    ARC DECRA Research Fellow

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Shane Ingrey

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Neil Jordan

    Senior Lecturer

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Martin Jucker


    Climate Change Research Centre

    Fonti Kar

    Research Associate - R Package

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Michael Kasumovic

    Associate Professor

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    David Keith


    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Bryce Kelly

    Associate Professor

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre, Centre for Ecosystem Science, CWI

    Colette Kerry

    Research Associate

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Richard Kingsford

    Director CES

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Shawn Laffan

    Associate Professor

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre, Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Thomas Le Breton

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Michael Letnic

    Associate Professor

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Junde Li

    Postdoc. Research Associate

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Cat Lynch

    Wild Deserts Field Ecologist

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Mitchell Lyons

    Research Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Erin Macartney

    Postdoc Research Associate

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Nathali Machado de Lima

    Research Associate

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Neil Malan

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Tanya Mason

    Research Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Hannah Mathews

    Research Assistant

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Mariana Mayer-Pinto

    Senior Lecturer

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre

    Matthew McCurry

    Adjunct Lecturer

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Clayton Mead

    Research Assistant

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Katrin Meissner


    Climate Change Research Centre, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Laurie Menviel

    ARC DECRA Fellow

    Climate Change Research Centre, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Graciela Metternicht


    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Stuart Milburn

    Research Assistant

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Angela Moles

    Professor & Director

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Scott Mooney

    Associate Professor

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre, Centre for Ecosystem Science, School Grievance Officer 

    Katherine Moseby

    Scientia Snr Lecturer

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Annabel Murray

    Research Associate

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Troy Myers

    Research Assistant

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Shinichi Nakagawa

    Associate Professor

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Malgorzata Nakagawa-Lagisz

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Jadranka Nappi

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Nidhi Nishant

    Research Associate


    Carol Oliver

    Associate Professor

    Australian Centre for Astrobiology, Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Mark Ooi

    Senior Research Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Terrance Ord

    Associate Professor

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Andrew O'Reilly-Nugent

    Postdoc. Research Associate

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Jonathan Palmer

    Research Associate

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Laura Parker

    Senior Lecturer

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Rebecca Pedler

    Ecologist, Wild Deserts

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Reece Pedler

    Project Coordinator, Wild Deserts

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Andrew Pitman


    Climate Change Research Centre

    Gabriel Pontes

    Postdoc Research Associate

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Alistair Poore

    Head of School

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Abhnil Prasad

    Senior Research Fellow

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Timothy Raupach

    Postdoc. Research Associate

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Francesco Ricci

    Research Associate

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Nina Ridder

    Research Associate

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Sami Rifai

    Research Associate

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Tracey Rogers


    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Lee Ann Rollins

    Scientia Associate Professor

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Moninya Roughan


    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Jodi Rowley

    Adjunct Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Manon Sabot

    Postdoc Research Associate


    Jesmond Sammut

    Associate Professor

    Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Agus Santoso

    Senior Research Associate

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Lisa Schwanz

    Senior Lecturer

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Alexander Sen Gupta

    Associate Professor

    Climate Change Research Centre, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Steven Sherwood


    Climate Change Research Centre

    Christopher Simpson

    Research Assistant

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Bronwen Smith


    Climate Change Research Centre

    Weizhi Song

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Iain Suthers


    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Centre for Ecosystem Science, Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Jenny Tangerud Rislund

    Project Officer

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Ryan Tangney

    Research Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Andrea Taschetto

    Senior Lecturer

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Torsten Thomas


    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Zoe Thomas

    Research Fellow (DECRA)

    Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Aniko Toth

    Research Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Isaac Towers

    Postdoc. Research Associate

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Joy Tripovich

    Research Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Anna Ukkola

    Research Fellow (DECRA)

    Climate Change Research Centre

    Martin Van Kranendonk


    Australian Centre for Astrobiology, Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre

    Adriana Verges

    Associate Professor

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Elizabeth Wenk

    Postdoctoral Fellow


    Rebecca West

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Centre for Ecosystem Science

    Boris Yagound

    Postdoc. Research Fellow

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

    Hamid Zekri

    Research Associate


    Shan Zhang

    Research Associate

    Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

    Philip Zylstra

    Postdoc. Research Associate

    Evolution and Ecology Research Centre

  • Name Role Research Centre Affiliations
    Anthony Milne Honorary Professor Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Alan Williams Adjunct Associate Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Lars Kjelleberg Honorary Professor Centre for Marine Science & Innovation
    Oliver Manlik Conjoint Associate Lecturer Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Shane Ahyong Adjunct Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Amy Dougherty Adjunct Lecturer Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    David French Adjunct Associate Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Nicholas Golledge Adjunct Associate Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Alan Hogg Adjunct Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Haidee Cadd Honorary Associate Lecturer  
    Kenneth McCracken Adjunct Professor  
    Laura Wilson Visiting Fellow  
    Derrick Cruz Conjoint Associate Lecturer Centre for Marine Science & Innovation
    Timothy Glasby Adjunct Professor Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Madelaine Langley Conjoint Associate Lecturer Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Jennifer Turpin Adjunct Associate Professor Centre for Marine Science & Innovation
    Barbara Barron Visiting Fellow  
    Alan Beal Honorary Associate Professor  
    Gregory Corbett Adjunct Senior Lecturer  
    Simon Griffith Adjunct Professor  
    Paul Adam Honorary Associate Professor Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Anne Ashford Visiting Professorial Fellow Centre for Ecosystem Science
    David Eldridge Adjunct Professor Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Peter Cochrane Adjunct Professor Centre for Marine Science & Innovation
    Sarah Moore Adjunct Associate Lecturer Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Jason Bragg Adjunct Senior Lecturer Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Ross McMurtrie Honorary Professor Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    William Sherwin Emeritus Professor Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Catherine Chague Honorary Senior Lecturer Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Judith Field Honorary Associate Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    James Goff Honorary Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Lila Gurba Adjunct Associate Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Suzanne Hand Emeritus Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Derecke Palmer Honorary Senior Lecturer Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Peter Rickwood Visiting Senior Fellow Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Wendy Shaw Honorary Associate Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Corey Callaghan Adjunct Associate Lecturer  
    Darren Curnoe Honorary Associate Professor  
    Malte Ebach Honorary Associate Professor  
    Kristofer Helgen Adjunct Professor  
    Matthew McCurry Conjoint Lecturer  
    Hazel Mitchell Emeritus Professor  
    Limin Ren Visiting Senior Lecturer  
    Benjamin Shaw Adjunct Lecturer  
    Peter Steinberg Emeritus Professor  
    John Triantafilis Honorary Associate Professor  
    Chris Turney Adjunct Professor  
    Carol Tadros Adjunct Associate Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Pauline Treble Adjunct Senior Lecturer Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Matthew Forbes Visiting Fellow Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Karina Meredith Adjunct Associate Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Silvia Frisia Visiting Professorial Fellow Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Catherine Hughes Adjunct Senior Lecturer Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Ying Ping Wang Adjunct Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Martin De Kauwe Adjunct Associate Professor Climate Change Research Centre
    Catherine Offord Adjunct Professor Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Dioni Cendon Adjunct Associate Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    John Church Emeritus Professor  
    Ivor Mason Visiting Professorial Fellow Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Maria Ferreira Magalhaes Visiting Fellow Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Neil Rutherford Adjunct Associate Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Zhaoxian Yuan Visiting Fellow Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Hamid Zekri Adjunct Associate Lecturer  
    Katherine Dafforn Adjunct Senior Lecturer Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Ian Cresswell Adjunct Professor  
    Terri Janke Adjunct Associate Professor  
    Richard Jobson Adjunct Associate Professor Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Frank Koehler Adjunct Associate Professor Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Christopher Reid Adjunct Associate Professor Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Daniel Murphy Adjunct Associate Professor Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Haydn Washington Adjunct Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Stephanie Brodie Visiting Fellow Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Jason Everett Visiting Fellow Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Natasha Henschke Visiting Fellow Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Paloma Matis Visiting Fellow Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Anthony Miskiewicz Adjunct Senior Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Hayden Schilling Conjoint Associate Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    James Smith Adjunct Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Matthew Taylor Adjunct Professor Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Joseph DiBattista Adjunct Senior Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Charles Hinchliffe Adjunct Associate Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Indiana Riley Visiting Fellow Centre for Ecosystem Science
    David Och Adjunct Associate Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Di Li Liu Adjunct Professor Climate Change Research Centre
    Christopher Chan Miller Visiting Fellow Climate Change Research Centre
    Helen Cleugh Honorary Professor Climate Change Research Centre
    Giovanni Di Virgilio Adjunct Fellow Levels A-C Climate Change Research Centre
    Angela Maharaj Honorary Senior Lecturer Climate Change Research Centre
    Michael Molitor Adjunct Professor Climate Change Research Centre
    Julian Fennessy Adjunct Senior Lecturer FOWLERS GAP
    Livia Gerber Visiting Fellow Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Margot Bador Adjunct Fellow Levels A-C Climate Change Research Centre
    Nina Schaefer Adjunct Associate Lecturer Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Paul Lennox Honorary Senior Lecturer Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Tara Djokic Adjunct Lecturer Australian Centre for Astrobiology
    Andrew Glikson Adjunct Professor Australian Centre for Astrobiology
    Peter Wilson Adjunct Professor Australian Centre for Astrobiology
    Ian Goodwin Adjunct Associate Professor Climate Change Research Centre
    Caroline Ummenhofer Visiting Fellow Climate Change Research Centre
    Benjamin McNeil Adjunct Senior Lecturer Climate Change Research Centre, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation
    Annie Wong Visiting Fellow Climate Change Research Centre
    Derrick Arena Adjunct Senior Lecturer Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Philip Creaser Adjunct Senior Lecturer Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Stephen Jackson Adjunct Senior Lecturer Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Sean Blamires Honorary Senior Lecturer Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Hannah Bannister Adjunct Associate Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Charlotte Mills Visiting Fellow Centre for Ecosystem Science
    David Forsyth Adjunct Associate Professor Centre for Ecosystem Science, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Patrick Taggart Adjunct Lecturer Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Ana Bugnot Adjunct Lecturer Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Nathan Knott Adjunct Senior Lecturer Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Ezequiel Marzinelli Adjunct Senior Lecturer Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Renske Jongen Visiting Jnr Research Fellow Centre for Marine Science & Innovation
    Tony Auld Visiting Professorial Fellow Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Bruce Chessman Honorary Associate Professor Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Terence Dawson Emeritus Professor Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Barry Fox Honorary Professor Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Emma Gorrod Adjunct Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Thomas Grant Adjunct Senior Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    John Harris Adjunct Professor Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Krystyna Jordan Adjunct Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Craig Mc Loughlin Adjunct Senior Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    John Porter Visiting Senior Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Jodi Rowley Adjunct Senior Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Ada Sanchez-Mercado Adjunct Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science 
    Jennifer Spencer Adjunct Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science 
    Samantha Travers Adjunct Associate Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science 
    Isabelle Wolf Visiting Fellow Centre for Ecosystem Science, Centre for Marine Science & Innovation, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    William Young Adjunct Professor Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Brian Timms Adjunct Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Tempe Adams Adjunct Associate Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Colin Finlayson Adjunct Professor Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Jasmin Lawes Visiting Fellow Centre for Marine Science & Innovation
    Khandis Blake Adjunct Lecturer Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Michael Garratt Visiting Fellow Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Eunmi Lee Visiting Fellow Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Maame Maisie Visiting Jnr Research Fellow Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Xiaohong Zhu Visiting Fellow Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Anthea Mitchell Adjunct Lecturer Centre for Ecosystem Science
    Barbara Tschirren Visiting Senior Lecturer Climate Change Research Centre
    Daniel Noble Adjunct Lecturer Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Yefeng Yang Visiting Fellow Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Yong Zhi Foo Visiting Fellow Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    April Martinig Visiting Fellow Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Rose O'Dea Adjunct Fellow Levels A-C Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Patricia Conway Adjunct Professor Centre for Marine Science & Innovation
    Tilmann Harder Visiting Professorial Fellow Centre for Marine Science & Innovation
    Michael Melville Honorary Associate Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Herve Sauquet Visiting Senior Fellow Centre for Ecosystem Science, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Merula Dalebout Visiting Fellow Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    Marianne Frommer Honorary Professor Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
    John Sved Honorary Professor Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre
    Marie Kidd Adjunct Associate Lecturer  

Higher Degree Research students

  • Name Degree Research Centre Affiliations Primary+Joint Supervisor
    Brendan Alting PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Neil Jordan + Richard Kingsford
    Ricardo Aravena PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science David Keith + Mitch Lyons
    Joe Atkinson PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Stephen Bonser + Angela Moles
    Oli Aylen PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Rebecca West + Katherine Moseby
    Georgia Badgery PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Keith Leggett
    Charlotte Beloe PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Mark Browne + Emma Johnston
    Corey Bennetts PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Mike Archer + Sue Hand
    Jesse Bergman PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Tracy Ainsworth + Adriana Verges
    Zoe Bloesch PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Gerry Cassis
    Jigmidmaa Boldbaatar PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Russell Bonduriansky
    Gail Broadbent PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Graciela Metternicht + Tommy Wiedmann
    Matt Brun MPhil Centre for Ecosystem Science Mike Letnic
    Samantha Burke PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Shinichi Nakagawa
    Kelton Cheung PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Lee Ann Rollins + Richard Edwards
    Giancarlo Chiarenza PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Angela Moles
    Katy Christi PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Suhelen Egan + Torsten Thomas
    Tim Churchill PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Mike Archer + Sue Hand
    Andrea Cormack PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Tracey Rogers
    Kate Cornelsen PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Neil Jordan + Richard Kingsford
    Brianna Coulter PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Rebecca West + Katherine Moseby
    Caitlin Creak PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Michael Kasumovic
    Millicent Crowe PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Bryce Kelly
    Claudia Crowther PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Lisa Schwanz + Stephen Bonser
    Dympna Cullen PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Richard Kingsford + Reece Pedler
    Tim Cutajar PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Jodi Rowley
    Fred Dadzie PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Miriam Muñoz-Rojas + Angela Moles
    Matt Davis PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Keith Leggett
    Hannah Dawson PhD Climate Change Research Centre Matthew England
    Adelaide Dedden PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Tracey Rogers
    Lauren Coyle PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Shawn Laffan + Christopher Pettit
    Zuhairah Dindar PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Adriana Verges + Suhelen Egan
    Callum Dittes PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Laura Parker
    Alessandro Garritano PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Torsten Thomas
    Chantelle Doyle PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Mark Ooi
    Deepashree Dutta PhD Climate Change Research Centre Katrin Meissner + Steven Sherwood
    Aaron Eger PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Adriana Verges + Suhelen Egan
    Harry Eyck PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Lee Ann Rollins
    Roy Farman PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Michael Archer + Sue Hand
    Zoe Ford PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Richard Kingsford + Gilad Bino
    Evangeline Fung MPhil Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre David Cohen
    Jordan Gacutan PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Graeme Clark + Emma Johnston
    Sophia German PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Graciela Metternicht + Shawn Laffan
    Casey Gibson PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science David Keith + Will Cornwell
    Karthik Gopi PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Jes Sammut + Debashish Mazumder
    Isabelle Greco MPhil Climate Change Research Centre Steven Sherwood
    Roshan Hanamseth PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Iain Suthers + Matt Taylor
    Ella Harris MPhil Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Scott Mooney
    Lachlan Hart PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Matt McCurry
    Lize Toman PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Gerry Cassis + Malte Ebach
    Dan Hewitt PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Iain Suthers + Matt Taylor
    Nik Hubbard PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Mariana Mayer Pinto + Alistair Poore
    Jennifer Hudson PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Suhelen Egan
    Maurice Huguenin-Virchaux PhD Climate Change Research Centre Matthew England
    Dony Indiarto PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Daniel Falster + Shinichi Nakagawa
    Rachael Isphording PhD Climate Change Research Centre Lisa Alexander
    Vicky Jia PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Torsten Thomas + Renee Whan
    Lana Kajlich PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Adriana Verges + Peter Steinberg
    Mansura Khan PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Torsten Thomas + Suhelen Egan
    Tahsin Khan PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Shini
    William Koon PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Rob Brander
    Jan Kreibich PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Richard Kingsford + William Glamore
    Madelaine Langley PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Adriana Verges + Alistair Poore
    Tom Le Breton PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Mark Ooi + Mitchell Lyons
    Rick Leong PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Paul Gribben + Alistair Poore
    Anna Lewis PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Tracey Rogers
    Irene Li PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Suhelen Egan
    Zhi Li PhD Climate Change Research Centre Matthew England
    Thayanne Barros PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Mariana Mayer Pinto + Emma Johnston
    Zih-Hong Lin PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Graciela Metternicht + Shawn Laffan
    Gracie Liu PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Jodi Rowley
    Scarlett Li-Williams MPhil Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Lee Ann Rollins + Bill Sherwin
    Elizabeth Macarounas PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Laura Parker
    Berin Mackenzie PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science David Keith + Mark Ooi
    Zakia Mahmudah PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Angela Moles
    Max Mallen-Cooper PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Will Cornwell + David Eldridge
    Erin McCosker PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Adriana Verges + Peter Steinberg
    Jenni McCrindle-Fuchs PhD Climate Change Research Centre Donna Green
    Sarah McInnes PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Mark Ooi
    Sebastian McKenna PhD Climate Change Research Centre Agus Santoso + Alex Sen Gupta
    Orla McKibbin PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Mariana Mayer Pinto + Adriana Verges
    Arlee McMah PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Gerry Cassis
    Jane McPhee-Frew PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Tracey Rogers
    Thomas Mesaglio PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Will Cornwell + Herve Sauquet
    Soleille Miller PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Russell Bonduriansky
    Brittany Mitchell PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Jodi Rowley + Richard Kingsford
    Mengyuan Mu PhD Climate Change Research Centre Andy Pitman
    Xuemeng Mu PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Angela Moles
    Nick Mulcahy PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Rob Brander
    Annabel Murray Masters Centre for Ecosystem Science Mark Ooi + John Merson
    Melissa Murray MPhil Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Ian Graham
    Marzie Naserikia PhD Climate Change Research Centre Melissa Hart + Negin Nazarian
    Julia Neme PhD Climate Change Research Centre Matthew England + Andrew Hogg
    Loan Nguyen PhD Climate Change Research Centre Lisa Alexander + Margot Bador
    Joshua Noiney MPhil Centre for Ecosystem Science Jes Sammut
    Grace Nye-Butler PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Graeme Clark + Emma Johnston
    Tess O'Brien Masters Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Daniel Falster + David Warton
    Ana Vasconcelos PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Russell Bonduriansky
    Mercedes Ondik PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Miriam Muñoz-Rojas + Mark Ooi
    Ellie Ong PhD Climate Change Research Centre Matthew England
    Bryam Orihuela Pinto PhD Climate Change Research Centre Andrea Taschetto + Matthew England
    Valentina Ortiz PhD Climate Change Research Centre Martin Jucker + Steven Sherwood
    Inna Osmolovsky PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Angela Moles
    Charlotte Page PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Tracy Ainsworth
    Jonathan Page PhD Climate Change Research Centre Gab Abramowitz
    Chris Palmer PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Mike Archer + Sue Hand
    Antonia Parker PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Mike Archer + Sue Hand
    Ruby Paroissien PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Mark Ooi
    Priya Parsons O'Brien PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Andy Baker + Zoë Thomas
    Charuni Pathmeswaran PhD Climate Change Research Centre Alex Sen Gupta + Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
    Pietro Pollo PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Michael Kasumovic
    Patrice Pottier PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Shinichi Nakagawa
    Katherine Quail PhD Climate Change Research Centre Donna Green
    Nick Raffan PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Ian Graham
    Rebecca Raynal PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Lisa Schwanz + Russell Bonduriansky
    Elona Rey-Costa PhD Climate Change Research Centre Donna Green + Gab Abramowitz
    Lorenzo Ricolfi PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Shinichi Nakagawa
    Chris Roberts PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Alistair Poore + Adriana Verges
    Chloe Robinson PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Mike Letnic + (Heloise Gibb)
    Fiona Robinson PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Daniel Falster + Andy Pitman
    Neil Ross PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Mike Letnic
    Himadri Saini PhD Climate Change Research Centre Katrin Meissner + Laurie Menviel
    Joe Schifano PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre David Cohen
    Christina Schmidt PhD Climate Change Research Centre Matthew England
    Paula Sgarlatta PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Adriana Verges + Iain Suthers
    Anastasia Shavrova PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Michael Kasumovic
    Chris Shaw MPhil Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Michael Kasumovic + Will Cornwell
    Christian Sherlock PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Gerry Cassis
    Charlotte Simpson-Young PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Stephen Bonser
    Tanya Singh PhD Climate Change Research Centre Donna Green
    Claire Sives PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Kate Brandis + Richard Kingsford
    Hillary Smith PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Suhelen Egan
    Matt Smith MPhil Centre for Ecosystem Science Keith Leggett
    Annette Stellema PhD Climate Change Research Centre Alex Sen Gupta + Andrea Taschetto
    Luke Steller PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Martin Van Kranendonk + Albert Fahrenbach 
    Ben Stepkovitch PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Katherine Moseby + Richard Kingsford
    Jana Stewart PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Miriam Muñoz-Rojas + Richard Kingsford
    Rebecca Stolper MPhil Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Daniel Falster
    James Strong PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Mike Archer + Sue Hand
    Elizabeth Surovic PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Terry Ord
    Michael Sutherland PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Adriana Verges + Suhelen Egan
    Andres Sutton PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Graciela Metternicht + Adrian Fisher
    Syukur PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Torsten Thomas + Suhelen Egan
    Sahand Tadbiri PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Ian Graham + Martin Van Kranendonk
    Jess Tam PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Richard Kingsford + Shinichi Nakagawa
    Lina Teckentrup PhD Climate Change Research Centre Andy Pitman + Martin DeKauwe
    Maureen Thompson PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Jodi Rowley + Alistair Poore
    Alex Thomsen PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Mark Ooi + Miriam Muñoz-Rojas
    Mark Tozer PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science David Keith
    Ifeoma Ugwuanyi PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Gerry Cassis
    Maree Vella MPhil Centre for Ecosystem Science Katherine Moseby
    Sophie Vuleta PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Tracy Ainsworth
    Ben Walker PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Neil Jordan + Tracey Rogers
    Jie Wang PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre David Cohen + John Triantafilis
    Hannah Wesley PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Paul Gribben + Ana Bugnot
    Baptiste Wijas PhD Centre for Ecosystem Science Mike Letnic + Will Cornwell
    Daniela Wilner PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Russell Bonduriansky
    Yibo Wu PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Torsten Thomas
    Iris Xiao PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre Bryce Kelly
    Zoe Xirocostas PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Angela Moles
    Nicholas Yeung PhD Climate Change Research Centre Laurie Menviel
    Karen Zeng PhD Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Angela Moles
    Xinyue Zhang PhD Climate Change Research Centre Jason Evans
    Zhelun Zhang PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Torsten Thomas
    Xueyu (Tom) Zhao PhD Earth & Sustainability Science Research Centre David Cohen
    Zillur Rahman PhD Centre for Marine Science and Innovation Torsten Thomas + Mary-Louise McLaws