Dr Heather Haines

Dr Heather Haines

Casual Academic

PhD in Environmental Science, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, 2018

MSc in Geography, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 2012

BSc Honors in Geography: Environment and Resource Management, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 2007

School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences

I am a Research Associate and Lecturer in the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science. My research primarily involves dendrochronology with a focus on threatened Australian tree species and their relationship to fire and climate variability. I also has several projects aimed at understanding past climate of tropical environments.  My interests lie in paleoclimate reconstruction, understanding hydroclimate variability, and working with tree species that have not been considered...

Room 539 Hilmer Building (E10) UNSW, Kensington, 2052

Australian Nuclear Sciences and Technology Organization (ANSTO) Research Portal Grant: $430,000, 2022, Project Title: Development of alpha-cellulose from subtropical Araucariaceae tree rings for use in Carbon-13 stable isotope analysis to create a long-term climate reconstruction, Investigators: Dr Heather Haines (UNSW, Lead CI), Dr Jonathan Palmer (UNSW), Dr Nathan English (CQU), Dr Quan Hua (ANSTO), Dr Geraldine Jacobson (ANSTO)

Internship for Woman, ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage (CABAH): $15,000, 2021, Project Title: Dendrochronological Analysis of Australian tree species using Ring-Width Measurements, Radiocarbon Dating, and Carbon-13 Isotopes

Fresh Science Queensland Finalist, 2018

Dr Christy Fellows Award, 2014, Australian Rivers Institute Higher Degree by Research Symposium

My Teaching

GEOS3761: Environmental Change (Course Convenor)

BEES6601: An Introduction to the Sydney Environment (Lecturer)

GEOS1701: Environmental Systems, Processes and Issues (Lecturer)

GEOS2291: Earth's Interconnections (Lecturer)