Dr Jason Everett
Dr Jason Everett is a biological oceanographer, with an interest in how oceanographic processes structure pelagic ecosystems (planktonic and fisheries) at regional and global scales. His work reveals how zooplankton processes regulate fisheries production, carbon export, and improve our ability to model and manage marine ecosystems.
Jason splits his time between the University of New South Wales and the Sydney Institute of Marine Science. Jason completed his PhD in 2008, before working for the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. He is now a postdoctoral researcher in the Evolution and Ecology Research Centre at UNSW with Professors Iain Suthers and Tracey Rogers. He is the convenor of Zooplankton Ocean Observations and Modelling Task Team with the Integrated Marine Observing System (www.IMOS.org.au) serves on the Technical Advisory Committee of the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN). He regularly collaborates with researchers from the University of Tasmania, the University of Queensland, the University of Technology, Sydney, the CSIRO, and the University of British Columbia, Canada.
His research has a number of key themes:
Biological Oceanography: Understanding how oceanographic processes such as ocean currents, eddies (cyclones of the sea) and upwelling events drive changes in the biomass and species distribution of plankton, fish and marine mamalls.
Size-Structure: Quantifying how the size-distribution of marine communities influences trophic structure, energy transfer-efficiency and predator-prey dynamics.
Fisheries: Developing size-based global ecosystem models to produce more robust estimates of future fish biomass and carbon export.
Jason loves getting out to sea on Australia's Marine National Facility (www.mnf.csiro.au), the RV Investigator, but these days you can usually find him in the lab writing software to analyse the large datasets coming in from a variety of sources including satellites, marine observing systems, fisheries or ecosystem models.
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