Professor Chris Turney

Professor Chris Turney

Adjunct Professor

PhD in Geography


Ph.D. in 'Stable isotope stratigraphy and tephrochronology of the last glacial-interglacial transition (14-9 ka 14C BP) in the British Isles.’ Supervisors Prof. J.J. Lowe and Dr D.D. Harkness (NERC Radiocarbon Laboratory, East Kilbride).

B.Sc. (Hons.) in Environmental Science

1991 to 1994 UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA, Norwich, U.K.

B.Sc. (Hons.) in Environmental Science.  Grade 2:1.

School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences

Chris is a recently completed Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow and Professor of Climate Change and Earth Science at the University of New South Wales. Chris is an experienced science and industry leader who brings together interdisciplinary teams to tackle global environmental challenges of societal importance in the Anthropocene. Chris champions the value of science in decision-making, and work with governments, industry, the Third Sector and communities to inform on national an...

Room 538 Hilmer Building UNSW, Kensington 2052

Recent Grant Funding

  • 2020 Turney, C.S.M., Thomas, Z., Becerra-Valdivia, L., Fogwill, C., Golledge, N., Weber, M., Davies, S. Back to the Future: Interglacial Warming and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. ARC Discovery Project. A$590,000.

  • 2020 Rohling, E., Bostock, H., George, S., Foden, G., Gallagher, S., Grice, K., McGregor, H., Nebel, O., O’Leary, M., Sloss, C., Turney, C., Webster, J. and Whittaker, J. (alphabetical) Australian Membership of the International Ocean Discovery Program. ARC Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities. A$3 million.

  • 2018 Turney, C.S.M. Chronos 14Carbon-Cycle Facility: A new carbon dating facility for UNSW. University of New South Wales. A$7.9 million

  • 2017 Roberts, R., Brook, B., Johnson, C., O’Connor, S., Lawson, J., Bird, M., Cooper, A., Turney, C.S.M., David, B. and others (alphabetical). ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage. A$34 million.
  • 2017 Turney, C.S.M., Cooper, A., Hughen, K., Muscheler, R. and Hogg, A. Testing the mechanisms and impacts of abrupt and extreme climate change. ARC Discovery Project. A$1 million.

  • 2014 Frederick White Prize, The Australian Academy of Science
  • 2011 Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship
  • 2009 Bigsby Medal, The Geological Society of London
  • 2008 Philip Leverhulme Prize, The Leverhulme Trust
  • 2007 Sir Nicholas Shackleton Medal for Most Outstanding Quaternary Scientist, International Union for Quaternary Research (first recipient)
  • 2004 J.G. Russell Award, Australian Academy of Science
  • 2002/2003 Teaching Award, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK (first in the Science Faculty)

I am an internationally recognized Earth scientist and research leader at the University of New South Wales. My research cuts across traditional discipline divides, and is focussed on understanding the Earth system and using this knowledge to mitigate the impacts of future projected environmental change. I firmly believe it is only through bringing together different disciplines can we successfully meet the challenges of the future. I am privileged to lead an amazing group of transdisciplinary researchers and teachers as Director of the Earth and Sustainability Science Research Centre and Director of the UNSW Chronos 14Carbon-Cycle Facility, working to find global environmental solutions in this all important next decade. I champion the value of science in decision-making, and work with governments, industry, the Third Sector and communities to help achieve this aim.


My Research Supervision

2020-present Salman Sharifazari 'Climate change impacts on water resources for Indian Ocean island Communities.' University of New South Wales.

2019-present Matthew Harris ‘A Southern Ocean Solution: reconstructing past Weddell Sea ocean productivity using a novel biomarker proxy.’ University of Keele, UK.

2018-present Philippa Higgins ‘Improving our understanding of climate change-groundwater interactions in the Pacific.’ University of New South Wales.


My Teaching

I co-ordinate and teach on GEOS3761 ‘Environmental Change’, opens in a new window.