Soil remediation

UNSW Centre for Transformational Environmental Technologies (CTET)

Our specialists have experience in detailed geochemical and microbial characterisation of degraded and contaminated sites and, based on knowledge gained, are able to provide advice on the most appropriate remediation strategy.

Our technologies

Management of agricultural water quality issues

We can investigate agricultural practices leading to water quality issues, and identify cost-effective land and drainage management solutions to mitigate pollution of the environment. 

High acidity results in the dissolution of metals present in the soil such as aluminium and iron. When it rains, the acid and metals are washed into drains and eventually adjacent rivers, often resulting in catastrophic environmental effects.


Radioactive waste sites: Contaminant migration & remediation


We can examine hydraulic and biogeochemical drivers behind contaminant migration and trial novel, field based remediation technologies based on a comprehensive understanding of the contaminated site of concern.

This is a field-scale replication of legacy waste trenches at Little Forest Site, Sydney, Australia. Photo shows one of two trenches excavated to replicate hydraulic and biogeochemical processes, and also to test remediation technologies.