Our facilities

UNSW Centre for Transformational Environmental Technologies (CTET) is located at Building 4, 128 Hengtong Road, Yixing, China with a fully furbished office area taking up to 2000 m2. This provides current CTET employees, internship students and visiting fellows from UNSW Sydney with a multifunctional space to work and study. CTET state-of-the-art laboratories with multiple analytical instruments enable diverse research and development activities. Visualisation devices in the centre provide an immersive experience of the digital twin technologies developed at CTET.
Our laboratory
CTET has a sophisticated laboratory equipped with modern analytical equipment, including:
- UV-visible Spectrophotometer
- Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
- Nanoparticles and zeta potentiometer
- Porometer
- Fluorophotometer
- Fibre optic spectrometer
- Contact angle measurement device
- Total Organic Carbon (TOC) /Total Nitrogen (TN) analyser
- Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
- Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
- High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
- Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA)
- BODTrak II Respirometric BOD Apparatus
- Turbidimeter
- Rheometer
- Volatile organic compounds (VOC) measurement equipment
- Intelligent spraying film fabricating equipment
- Electrochemical working stations (including Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy)
- Hollow fibre spinning machine
- Fully automated high pressure reverse osmosis testing rig
- Air purification performance of semiconducting photocatalytic materials testing apparatus (ISO22197-4)
- Vacuum adsorption coater
- 3D printers
VR/AR technologies
CTET has state-of-the-art visualisation equipment including virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR) devices which can provide an immersive experience of digital twins.
These devices include:
- Dell 86 inch 4K Interactive Touch Monitor
- Multi-touch Screen Tables
- Barco F80 Projector
- HTC Vive Pro
- Oculus Quest
- Hi5 VR Glaves
- Insta 360 Cameras
- Intel® RealSenseTM Depth Camera D435
- Microsoft Hololens II
- Razer Blade High-end Laptop (Intel i7, RTX2080 Max-Q)