Welcome from the Chairman


"It is exciting to initiate a new venture, especially one involving the development of links between Australia and China in the area of environmental technologies.  This is an area in which UNSW has a wealth of experience and is ideally positioned to translate its strength in innovation into practice. This translation will only take place with the engagement of partners either confronted with environmental challenges requiring advanced solutions or interested in evolving their own practices and products to the next stage of development. The UNSW Centre for Transformational Environmental Technologies (CTET) is focused on the goal of translation, with a base established in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, in partnership with the Yixing Industrial Park for Environmental Science & Technology (ES&TP). The development and operation of CTET will be implemented through the Torch Innovation Precinct at UNSW with our partners in Yixing a key element of the Torch program in China.

CTET will house a team of specialists in Yixing engaged in opportunities for development, demonstration and commercialisation of UNSW technologies and the management of projects as they evolve. This team will interact closely with UNSW researchers involved in these projects with a dynamic interchange of staff and students between Yixing and Sydney expected. In addition to project procurement and management, our Yixing Centre is expected to offer excellent opportunities for industrial training and specialist education through our interactions with industries across China.

I see great opportunities for all UNSW researchers and  Australian and Chinese companies with an interest in environmental technologies to become engaged with CTET.  I look forward to facilitating this engagement and, given the strength of the team already established, am confident of success."

- Scientia Professor David Waite