Career Explorer Program
Design your employability experience at UNSW in three dedicated coaching sessions to help discover your career potential.

Career Explorer Program
In this coaching program we will help you to navigate your UNSW employability journey with expert guidance to:
understand your motivations and professional interests
plan how to engage in employability programs during your degree
explore career pathways that will energise you
Design Your Experience at UNSW.
You should participate if the below statements apply to you:
I have no career ideas yet but want to start thinking
I thought I knew what I wanted to do but now I’m not so sure
If these do not apply to you, you are more suited to an individual career coaching session to start planning your career journey. Book here
You only need to book and attend one of the following sessions. Please note spaces for each session are limited.
Term 1 2025 sessions are complete. Watch this space for Term 2 2025 sessions.