Matt McCormack headshot

Matt McCormack

Veteran profile

Head of School, School of Business, UNSW Canberra

PhD (UNSW), Master of Arts (Strategy and Policy) (UNSW), Master of Maritime Studies (UOW), Grad Cert Defence Studies (UNSW), Grad Cert Maritime Studies (UOW) and Bachelor of Management (UC)

Military background and education

I am retired O6 (Captain, RAN).  I was a Maritime Logistician for 31.5 years before I transitioned to being a full time academic with UNSW Canberra.  I had operational service in Iraq (Operation Catalyst) and in Border Protection operations.

Educational journey

I call myself the accidental academic. When I left school in year 12, I did not get a sufficient pass to get into the Australian Defence Force Academy but was lucky enough to be selected for a direct entry scheme to the RAN College at Jervis Bay. After completion of my initial training and had started my first proper Navy job, I commenced my undergraduate degree. This was a real challenge, working full time and studying part time. I had to work this study in and around postings to sea and key jobs. It took me 13 years to complete my Bachelor of Management.  I needed special approval from the University of Canberra to graduate as it had taken me so long (over 10 years).

My next education opportunity came when I was posted to the Australian Command and Staff College (ACSC).  I graduated from ACSC with two graduate certificates, which I was able to articulate to two masters degrees. Finally, I was given the opportunity to work for the Commander of Joint Logistics Command to study for a PhD in 2011.  I commenced this work in 2012 and had two years and nine months. The remainder of my PhD had to be completed part time.  All up, I have completed over 9 years full time equivalent study, 3 years and 9 months of which was full time. I know what it is to balance study, career, life and family.

Transition to civilian career

It was much more challenging than I expected. I found that my own self-image was centred on my service career. It took a few more years to adjust than I would have liked. Since starting in academia, I have had the opportunity to undertake research into veteran’s transition and heard firsthand from many other veteran’s that they had similar journeys.

"Mates, fellow veterans and folk willing to mentor me through my transition were central to seeing me successfully adjust to my new life."

Personal reflection

My journey into academia was right for me. I have had the opportunity to hone skills provided by my career in the ADF such as my public speaking and develop new ones including the ability to teach in a way that allows each student to grasp the concepts being discussed: everyone learns differently so presenting information in different ways can really aid comprehension.  I found new challenges and passions on the way. My greatest joy is witnessing my students graduating. While it is a wonderful to see those high distinction students walk across the stage, I do get a tear in the corner of my eye seeing the students who have struggled and worked really hard to get through get their degree handed to them.

Advice to student veterans

If you are contemplating study as part of your transition or post transition, go for it! Education is about learning new ways to think about the world and solve problems. Follow your passions, that will make study easier. Do not think you won’t succeed.

"While I would never suggest university level study is easy, hard work and perseverance will see your success. Academics want to see you get through and will be more than willing to provide the assistance you need. UNSW also provide additional support including academic skills and learning adjustments that will aid you on the way. Remember, you have been trained to operate and win in uncertain environments. While it may have been years since you have studied, if you have coped with an ADF career, you will have what it takes to succeed at university. If I could do it, so can you!"


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