Study skills

UNSW has a wide range of academic skills, support options and flexible learning possibilities to help you succeed.

Abstract photo of person typing


If you want to have a go at exploring your existing skills and rating your confidence with your writing, speaking, reading and listening skills you can check out mySkillSearch. It provides you with a personalised map of valuable resources to help you enhance any of these skills.

Social work students society meeting
Student with backpack and open book standing between book shelves in library

Support with time management

Good time management is essential to success at university. Especially if you are trying to fit study in with other commitments including family, work, community ,and health and well-being including sport and fitness.  Study involves lots of due dates and competing deadlines, and unless you plan ahead, you'll find it difficult to meet them. Planning your time allows you to spread your work over a semester, avoid a 'traffic jam' of work, and cope with study stress.  Work out what needs to be done and when. Work out how to use your available time as efficiently as possible.

Academic skills

Refreshing and updating your study skills is a first step in your university journey, even if you’ve studied recently. Things are rapidly changing with AI, so find out what resources are available and take full advantage.

If you haven’t studied for a while there is an Academic Skills Toolkit and as quick Soldiers 5 on everything Academic Skills you need to know. There are also loads of workshops and courses for upskilling.

Alternatively, you can book Academic Skills One-to-One appointments to get support on assessment items or study skills.

Photo of three students walking around campus

Other resources

As a mature aged student coupled with your defence experience you will have developed many critical skills that you can draw upon for study success. Read more time management tips for mature aged students, opens in a new window.

If you decide to study with us you will also have access to the academic skills team to support you. You can access online and face to face appointments. Visit academic skills, opens in a new window for more information.

Learn more

Study with us

Higher education is an internationally established pathway to successfully transition veterans from the military to civilian life.

Veteran profiles

Read our inspirational veteran profiles with insights into their military background, educational journey, transition to civilian career, and advice for future student veterans. 

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