SRNSW Ad NO. | Description of records | Access direction | Duration of CPA | Reason for closed to public access direction |
611 | Personnel/staff files including Workers Compensation records but excluding summary records | Closed | 100 years from date of birth, or death, if earlier | Unreasonable disclosure of personal affairs |
612 | Staff summary records including registers and history cards | Closed | 50 years | Unreasonable disclosure of personal affairs |
613 | Student records | Closed | 50 years | Unreasonable disclosure of personal affairs |
614 | Patient identifying medical records Covers patient identifying medical records of students, staff and their dependents created by or on behalf of the UNSW |
Closed | 100 years from date of last action | Unreasonable disclosure of personal affairs |
615 | Records identifying persons protected under Protected Disclosures legislation | Closed | 75 years | Information provided under an expectation of confidentiality or to which a legal obligation of confidentiality still applies Sensitive personal information Disclosure could jeopardise the future provision of information |
616 | Minutes and papers of the university's Higher Degree Committees | Closed | 50 years | Unreasonable disclosure of personal affairs |
617 | Records of UNSW and its controlled entities relating to the commercial joint ventures and arrangements, consultancies, commercial property and business operations | Closed | 50 years | Commercial information and intellectual property rights which if disclosed could adversely affect the business affairs of the organisation, individuals or external parties |
618 | Maps and plans relating to buildings and records relating to their building work | Closed | While building is current | Public safety and security |
619 | Confidentiality agreements | Closed | While agreement is current | Commercial information and intellectual property rights which if disclosed could adversely affect the business affairs of the organisation, individuals or external parties |
1103 | Records subject to Confidentiality Agreement | Closed | While the agreement to which the records are subject is current | Commercial information and intellectual property rights which if disclosed could adversely affect the business affairs of the organisation, individuals or external parties |
1110 | Records of legal matters relating to children | Closed | 100 years | Sensitive personal information |
1115 | Legal files | Closed | 75 years | Information provided under an expectation of confidentiality or to which a legal obligation of confidentiality still applies |
2728 | Minutes and papers of the university’s personnel and remuneration committees, including the Personnel Sub-Committee and Remuneration & People Committee. Records contain personal information about staff. | Closed | 50 years | Unreasonable disclosure of personal affairs |
2729 | Research records and data. Records relating to research projects and results. Records include data and datasets of research projects and activities. | Closed | 30 years | Sensitive information |
Have a question?
Contact the Records Team on 02 9385 2861 or email records@unsw.edu.au / Contact the Archives Team on 02 9385 2906 or email archives@unsw.edu.au