Sexual assault, sexual harassment and relationship violence are all gendered violence that can affect the UNSW community.  

If you or someone you know has experienced gendered violence, the UNSW Gendered Violence Portal (GV Portal) offers support and reporting options. 

The Gendered Violence Response Team (GVRT), a specialist team of mental health clinicians at UNSW Psychology and Wellness, responds to reports from students and the public, while Safer Communities manages staff reports. They can explain your options and provide tailored support. 

Find out more about gendered violence and related behaviours.  

Privacy and confidentiality  

Your privacy is important to us. Any information you share will remain confidential and only be shared with your permission. In extremely rare situations, such as when there’s an immediate risk of harm or legal obligation for the University to act, your information may be shared without your consent. We will always inform you first and discuss what information will be shared.  

Anonymous reporting

You can make an anonymous report through the GV Portal, without identifying anyone involved. If you choose to remain anonymous, you can still discuss your report with the Gendered Violence Response Team (GVRT) by logging back into the portal.  

Why use the GV Portal?

  • The GV portal allows you to report incidents of gendered violence, even as a witness or bystander. Reporting helps UNSW understand campus culture and take appropriate action such as raising awareness or delivering education initiatives. 

    If you choose to report anonymously and don’t request any action, your disclosure will be treated as a report. Your input helps the university to work towards creating a safer and more inclusive place for everyone.

  • Get support

    By reaching out to the GV Portal, you’ll be connected with the Gendered Violence Response Team a specialist team of mental health clinicians.  

    We’re here to listen and support you through your experience and options. There are multiple ways we can support you and help keep you safe, including: 

    • Internal counselling with specialists in gendered violence support. 
    • Referrals to external services. 
    • Guidance through UNSW’s complaints process.
    • Academic adjustments to support your studies. 
    • Safety planning for courses and campus. 
    • Personal safety plans.
    • Information about police and criminal justice processes.
    • Advocacy and limited crisis accommodation support.
    • Connection to criminology specialist. 

    Other supports will be offered based on individual needs.  

    UNSW Complaints Management and Investigations Policy and Procedure 

    If you want to make a complaint about gendered violence, we will follow the UNSW Complaints Policy (link). 

    The process begins by assessing if your complaint fits within relevant UNSW policies. The Gendered Violence Response team or Conduct and Integrity Office will inform you of your options and next steps. 

    You also have the option to make a complaint to external organisations like:

    UNSW can continue to support you throughout the process if you choose. 

Information for staff, supporters and individuals

  • If you’re a staff member who has experienced gendered violence, there are several ways you can get support. You can reach out through the GV Portal, make a report on Salus psychosocial module, or contact your manager or the Human Resources (HR) Business Partner for your area.

    If you are experiencing family or relationship violence, you may be eligible for extra paid leave so that you can seek legal advice, moving or attending court. For more information, visit the HR Hub or reach out to the relevant HR team.

    In addition to UNSW services, you also have access to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) support, as well as a range of external services listed on our support page.

    Supporting someone experiencing gendered violence 

    If you’re supporting a student, you can guide them to this GV Portal page, the First Responder page, the Report gendered violence email address for support or direct them to external services listed below. 

    As a UNSW staff member, if you learn about gendered violence that occurs during UNSW activities or on campus, you're required to report it via the GV portal. UNSW has a legal obligation to prevent sexual harassment from occurring in the workplace and will have to respond to the situation.

    When making a report on behalf of someone else, it is best to ask for their permission to identify them, if possible. If you don’t have permission, you can still report the incident and keep their identity anonymous. 

  • If a friend tells you they’ve experienced gendered violence, including sexual assault, they may show a range of emotions and physical responses. 

    It can be hard to know what to say or do to support someone but remember, they have come to you because they trust you. Let the person decide what steps and support they need, whether that’s using the GV Portal or contacting the police. 

    You can help them access support via the GV Portal or other services listed below. Here are some online resources to guide you in supporting them: 

  • Supporting someone through a difficult time can be emotionally challenging for you as well. It’s important to take care of yourself and seek support when you need it. You can use the GV Portal to get support for yourself, but remember - if you don’t have the permission of the person affected, keep their identify anonymous.

    Here are other support options available to you: 

    Calls are redirected to the UNSW After Hours Mental Health Support Line between 5 pm and 9 am Monday to Friday and 24 hours on weekends and public holidays. 

Support for those using violence

If you’re worried that your behaviour might be gendered violence, reaching out for support is an important and positive first step. It is completely normal to feel unsure or hesitant, but you don’t have to go through this alone. You can discuss seeking support to change behaviour via the GV Portal or UNSW Psychology and Wellness, if you are a student. For staff, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is also available. The external services listed below are also available.

    • Mensline (1300 78 99 78) is a telephone and online counselling service.
    • 13YARN (13 92 76) is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support line.
    • QLife (1800 184 527) provides LGBTIQ+ peer support and referral.
    • Relationships Australia (1300 364 277) supports services for individuals, families and communities.
    • innerBoy app is a 30-day healing programme for Australian men. 

Contact us

Do you have questions or suggestions? We’d love to hear from you!  

Get support

GVRT - UNSW Psychology & Wellness  

  • GV Portal
  • Email
  • Phone: 02 9385 5418
  • Text: 0485 826 595 (Confidential chat, after-hours; Mon – Fri 5 pm-9 am, 24/7 on weekends/ public holidays). 

Urgent medical or safety help

  • Off campus: Call Triple zero (000). 
  • On campus: Call 9385 6666 for UNSW Security.
  • Immediate support: Call 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or visit our online chat
  • For more information: Emergency contacts


Prevention programs

    Learn more about UNSW’s prevention programs:  

Together, let’s create a safer, more inclusive UNSW. Thank you for your support!