Women at work factsheets

Kingsford Legal Centre, in conjunction with Asian Women at Work (AWAW), created the Women at Work factsheets to provide vital information to women experiencing challenges in the workplace.
Each factsheet features a case study focusing on a common workplace issue women face and outlines preventative steps, as well as legal and non-legal avenues for dealing with workplace issues.
- May Loses Her Job.
- Is Sadia a Casual or Permanent Employee?
- Ling is not Getting the Right Pay.
- Atin Wants to be Paid Superannuation.
- May Dipecat.
- Apakah Sadia Pekerja Lepas Atau Pekerja Tetap?
- Ling Tidak Mendapat Gaji Yang Benar.
- Atin Ingin Mendapat Pembayaran Uang Pensiun.
- মেতারচাকরিহারিয়েছে.
- সাদিয়াকিএকজনঅনিয়মিতনাস্থায়ীকর্মী?
- লিংসঠিকবেতনপাচ্ছেনা.
- অতীনসুপারঅ্যানুয়েশনপেতেচায়.
Kingsford Legal Centre acknowledges the Gadigal and Bidjigal Clans, who traditionally occupied the Sydney Coast.
We respect those Elders, past and present, and thank them for allowing us to work and study on their lands.