Reports & guides


40 Years of Impact

In 2021 KLC turns 40 years old and to commemorate this occasion we have spent the year reflecting on the impact of the Centre and planning for the future. The result is our Report – 40 Years of Impact, which outlines the ongoing impact of  KLC across our key areas of work. This document captures the impact of our work across four decades and our contributions in areas such as access to justice, collaboration with our local community, systemic work and important role teaching law students as part of the Faculty of Law & Justice.

Read the full Report.

KLC Strategic Plan and Theory of Change 2022-2025

KLC has recently launched our new strategic plan which will guide our work over the next 3 years. .

The focus of the plan is to work towards:

  • A healthier, happier community that is less affected by unjust systems;
  • An empowered community that advocates for their rights and the rights of the community;
  • A justice system which works equally for all;
  • The protection of human rights in Australia.

21 Years of Impact - KLC Employment Law Pro Bono Advice Clinic

The Employment Law Pro Bono Clinic has lasted an incredible 21 years because of the wonderful support and commitment of our expert law firm partners. It has positively impacted the lives of over 1,000 people – usually at a time of crisis and huge stress. The Clinic gives UNSW Sydney Law students an opportunity to work closely and collaboratively with a range of expert employment lawyers which is an invaluable learning experience whilst providing  timely, expert legal advice and increasing the capacity of Kingsford Legal Centre to respond to the needs of our community. With access to legal advice our clients have been able to maintain their employment, enforce their rights, recover owed money and work out how to resolve work disputes. This can be life changing assistance that has flow on impacts such as in relation to maintaining housing and schooling for children. Put simply access to expert employment law advice life can be life changing!  Huge thanks to our current Unsung Hero participating firms:

> Bartier Perry > HWL Ebsworth > Holding Redlich > Kennedys.

Read the full report.

Kingsford Legal Centre Impact Report

For over 37 years KLC has provided free legal advice, casework and community legal education to people who live, work or study in the Randwick City Council area and the Port Botany and Mascot Wards (ex-Botany Council) of Bayside Council. 

We also provide advice and casework on discrimination law matters state-wide.  KLC undertakes law reform and policy work to ensure that our clients' interests and experience are raised at all levels of goverment - right up to the United Nations. This report brings together all of our evaluation matter and shows the impact that KLC has on our community and stakeholders.

Read the Impact Report

Clinical Legal Education Guide 2019-20

This is the thirteenth edition of the Clinical Legal Education Guide to courses offered in Australian Universities.  This publication lists clinical legal education courses offered in Australian Universities. It is great to see more and more law schools around the country emphasising experiential learning and hands-on clinical legal education within their curricula.  As universities review their curricula, many have been inspired to develop and expand their clinical legal education offerings. 

There is a strong demand from students to learn about the law and its impact on disadvantaged communities; critique the law and legal system, as well as reflecting on their role as future lawyers. Clinical legal education provides this while developing students’ legal skills.   Embedding experiential education into law schools’ curricula is the challenge for clinical academics and practitioners into the future. 

Read the Clinical Legal Guide.

Having My Voice Heard - Fair Practices in Discrimination Conciliation

KLC conducted a research project into the experiences of vulnerable people who make complaints about discrimination under NSW and Commonwealth law. KLC’s research showed that vulnerable people encounter numerous barriers when they try to resolve their discrimination complaints through alternative dispute resolution processes. The report focuses on vulnerable applicants’ experiences of discrimination conciliations at the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW (ADB), Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and the Fair Work Commission (FWC).

Our key research questions were:

  • What practices and trends inhibit the full participation of vulnerable applicants at conciliations in discrimination matters?
  • What does or would best practice in conciliations for vulnerable applicants look like?

 Our report contains 10 recommendations for best practice to ensure that dispute resolution processes are inclusive and fair. Key recommendations include adjustments to conciliation processes and increased government funding for legal assistance services so that vulnerable individuals are not overpowered or intimidated during conciliation. We also recommend increased funding for the ADB, AHRC, FWC and Fair Work Ombudsman to address systemic discrimination. 

Read the Having My Voice Heard report.

Discrimination Toolkit

The Discrimination Toolkit is for people who believe they have been discriminated against and want to do something about it.  It is also a useful resource for community workers, advocates and lawyers who want to help clients who are experiencing discrimination.

Read the Discrimination Toolkit.

Protest, Protection Policing: The expansion of police powers and the impact on human rights in NSW

Published in 2007 his report examines the APEC Meeting (Police Powers) Act 2007 (NSW) (APEC Meeting Act) within a human  rights framework and considers what happened in the lead up to, during and post APEC. It critically analyses the process of how the legislation came to be enacted and the effectiveness or otherwise of mechanisms of accountability of police with respect to the powers authorised.

This report also considers the impact of the legislation upon socially and economically disadvantaged groups, such as the homeless and intellectually disabled, as well as protestors. The report highlights that it is time to look closely at existing NSW Police powers and the reasons behind the insistence for further expansion of such powers.

Read the Protest, Protection Policing report.

Getting off the Referral Roundabout Workbook

The DVD and workbook are intended as an induction and teaching tool for new staff, volunteers and students, on how to make an effective referral for clients who need legal advice and information. As the information provided is of a generic nature, it could be used for making a referral to almost any service or agency. 

View the Getting Off the Referral Roundabout video.

Read the Referral Roundabout Workbook.

KLCs 25 year history

A short history of the Kingsford Legal Centre written by David Nichols in September 2006.

Read about KLCs 25 year history

Kingsford Legal Centre acknowledges the Gadigal and Bidjigal Clans, who traditionally occupied the Sydney Coast.
We respect those Elders, past and present, and thank them for allowing us to work and study on their lands.