Past speakers

Alphabetically ordered by first name.
- Adam Gorajek (Seminar Titles: Star Wars at Central Banks and An Introduction To Specification Curves And P-Curves)
- Agnieszka Tymula (2016 Workshop on Experimental Research in Social Science and Business Presentation Title: Neuroanatomy Accounts For Age-Related Changes In Risk Preferences)
- Alex Holcombe (2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Presentation Title: Registered Replications At Perspectives On Psychological Science, Open Science, And Open Publishing)
- Amirali Minbashian (Seminar Title: Lessons From Psychology: What Management Scholars Can Learn (And Have Learnt) From The Credibility Crisis in Science)
- Andreas Leibbrandt (2019 DEI Workshop Keynote Title: The Science Of D&I)
- Andreas Ortmann (2019 DEI Workshop Presentation Title: Gender Diversity And The Economy: The Causality May Go Both Ways; 2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Ethics In Individuals: (Dis)Honesty At The Micro Level – Does The Buck Stop With You?; 2016 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Behavioural Economics)
- Anna Dreber Almenberg (Seminar Title: Replications and Predicting Replication Outcomes)
- Anne Farrell (2016 Workshop on Experimental Research in Social Science and Business Presentation Title: This Is Your Brain On…Accounting? An Odyssey Into The World Of Imaging)
- Ben Greiner (Seminar Title: Reproducibility in Economics and Management)
- Ben Newell (Seminar Title: Nudges For People Who Think; 2016 Workshop on Experimental Research in Social Science and Business Presentation Title: The Eyes Have It? Can Perceptual And Moral Decisions Be Influenced By Eye Movements?; 2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Keynote Title: Psychological Priming: Theory, Method, And Controversy)
- Bill von Hippel (Seminar Title: Discovering Your Own Name On A Wall Of Shame)
- Bob Reed (2024 Workshop: An introduction to meta-analysis using JASP and R on social capital and economic growth; Seminar Titles: Yes, You Can Calculate Ex Post Power! and On Replications, Significance Testing, Confidence Intervals and p-Values. And Meta-Analysis Too!)
- Bonnie Wintle (Seminar Title: The repliCATS Project)
- Carsten Murawski (Seminar Title: Computational Complexity And Decision-Making)
- Chew Soo Hong (Seminar Title: A Revolutionary Understanding Of How People Make Decisions)
- Chris Donkin (Seminar Titles: Why Preregistration Is Not Worthwhile and Back To The Drawing Board)
- Chris Doucouliagos (2017 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: Finding The Power To Reduce Publication Bias)
- Clara Chen (Seminar Title: The Effects Of Directional Goals On The Perceived Credibility Of Data Analytics)
- Dan Goldstein (Seminar Title: Interpretable Artificial Intelligence)
- Daniel Friedman (Seminar Title: Varieties of Risk Elicitation)
- Daniel Lakens (Seminar Title: When It’s OK to Use P-Values to Make Dichotomous Decisions; 2018 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: Improving The Falsifiability Of Predictions)
- Danielle Navarro (Seminar Title: Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea)
- Dennis Gentilin (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Ethics In Groups: Institutional Problems And Solutions)
- Elena Keller (Seminar Title: Revealed Preference Experiment Exploring The Demand For Fertility Treatments)
- Elise Payzan-Le Nestour (Seminar Title: Neuroeconomics as “Neuropragmatism”)
- Erte Xiao (Seminar Title: Competing By Default: A New Way To Break The Glass Ceiling)
- Eva Vivalt (Seminar Titles: Uses of Forecasts in Research, How Much Can We Generalize From Impact Evaluations? and How Do Policymakers Update?)
- Fatima Jamal Khan (2019 DEI Workshop Presentation Title: The (Null) Impact Of Diversity Officers)
- Fiona Fidler (Seminar Titles: The repliCATS Project and Will This Time Be Different?)
- Florian Artinger (Seminar Titles: Psychological AI and CYA Behaviour in Organisations)
- Frederik Anseel (Seminar Title: Can We Accomplish Both Academic And Practical Impact (And If So, How To Organise For It)?)
- Gideon Nave (Seminar Title: Does Oxytocin Increase Trust In Humans?)
- Gigi Foster (2016 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Big Theory)
- Gilad Chen (Seminar Title: The State Of The OB Science: How Are We Doing, And Can We Do Better?; Research Methods Seminar 2020: Theorising And Modelling Change Phenomena In Organisational Research)
- Gina Perry (Seminar Title: Backstage and Frontstage)
- Glenn W. Harrison (Seminar Title: Welfare Evaluation Of Insurance)
- Hazel Bateman (Seminar Title: Learning To Value Annuities: The Role Of Information And Engagement)
- Inka Eberhardt (Seminar Title: Follow The Rating: How Disclosure Affects Retirement Income Product Choices In A Discrete Choice Experiment)
- Jack Fitzgerald (Seminar Title: Impact of Hypothetical Incentives)
- Jeanette Deetlefs (Seminar Title: On Recently Completed RCT Interventions Of The BI Unit Of The NSW Premier And Cabinet; 2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Presentation Title: How To Clean Data From MTurk Studies (And Why It Has To Be Done))
- Jie Chen (Seminar Title: Facilitating Public Goods Provision In Groups With A “Relatively Privileged” Player: The Comparative Efficacy Of Punishment And Reward)
- Joel Bank (Seminar Title: Star Wars at Central Banks)
- Joel Pearson (Seminar Title: Future Minds Lab @UNSW, Who Are We And What Are We Doing)
- John Roberts (Seminar Title: A Research Agenda for Studying the Role of Emotions in Choice Models; 2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: The Promises And Pitfalls Of Big Data; 2016 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Big Applications)
- Jonas Fooken (Seminar Title: Performance-Based Pay, Motivation, Stress And Preferences)
- Joshua Miller (Seminar Title: The Hot Hand Fallacy Fallacy)
- Julia Rohrer (Seminar Title: Not Even Unreplicable: Vague Questions & Pseudo-Heterogeneity; 2017 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: Tackling Deep-Rooted Problems Of Psychological Research)
- Kuba Tymula (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Human Super, A Super Fund Crafted For Women)
- Le Zhang (2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Presentation Title: Null Hypothesis Significance Testing And The Problem Of Underpowered Studies In Economics)
- Lionel Page (Seminar Title: The Matthew Effect: How Success Fosters Further Success)
- Malte Friese (Seminar Title: Is ego depletion real? An analysis of arguments)
- Maria Recalde (2019 DEI Workshop Presentation Title: Women In Organisations: Task Acceptance / Leadership)
- Mark Rubin (Seminar Title: Hypothesising After The Results Are Known)
- Michaela Pagel (Seminar Title: The Retirement-Consumption Puzzle: New Evidence On Individual Spending And Financial Structure)
- Mike Le Pelley (2016 Workshop on Experimental Research in Social Science and Business Presentation Title: When Goals Conflict With Values: Using Eye-Tracking To Measure Changes In Automatic Attention)
- Pamela Hanrahan (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Ethics In Individuals: (Dis)Honesty At The Micro Level – Does The Buck Stop With You?)
- Pascal Bourgeat (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Titles: Data Science Meets Behavioral Science: The Eyes-Brain Team For Behavioral Insights About The Promises And Pitfalls Of Big Data and Ethics In Groups: Institutional Problems And Solutions)
- Patrick Vu (Seminar Title: Why are replication rates so low?)
- Pauline Grosjean (2019 DEI Workshop Presentation Title: Corporate Gender Culture: How Firms Think About Gender Diversity, What They Do About It, And What Works?)
- Peter Bossaerts (Seminar Title: How Neurobiology Can Inform Decision Science: The Case Of Trading Skill)
- Rachael Meager (Seminar Title: Evidence Aggregation In The Presence Of Heterogeneity)
- Rajat Kulshresta (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: Booodl)
- Renee Adams (2019 DEI Workshop Keynote Title: Women On Boards; Seminar Title: The ABCs Of Empirical Corporate (Governance) Research; 2017 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: On The ABC Of Empirical Corporate Governance Research)
- Rob Nicholls (2017 BIBaP Roundtable Presentation Title: But The Algo Made Me Do It! Data Ethics In Algorithmically Driven Businesses)
- Robert Slonim (2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Presentation Title: Journal Of The ESA And Why It Was Started)
- Rolf Zwaan (2015 Workshop in Experimental Methods Keynote Title: P-Hacking, Replication Crisis, Meta-Analyses, Pre-Registered Studies, And Open Science)
- Sarah Walker (Seminar Title: Taking The Lab To The Field: Using Lab-in-the-Field Experiments To Inform Policy)
- Simine Vazire (2018 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: The Credibility Revolution In Psychology)
- Taisuke Imai (Seminar Title: Meta-Analysis in Behavioral Economics: The Case of Loss Aversion and Present Bias)
- Tal Yarkoni (2017 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: Improving Reproducibility And Replicability In Psychology: Lessons From The Computational Sciences)
- Thomas Pfeiffer (Seminar Title: Replication Markets In The Social And Behavioural Sciences)
- Tom Beesley (2016 Workshop on Experimental Research in Social Science and Business Presentation Title: Pros And Cons Of Using Immersive Virtual Reality In Experimental Psychology)
- Ulrich Schimmack (Seminar Title: Implicit Preferences: Do Implicit Measures Predict Your Behavior Better Than You Can?; 2018 Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences and Business Presentation Title: How Credible Are Published Findings In Psychology?)
- Uwe Dulleck (Seminar Title: The Case For (Economic) Theory In The Age Of Behavioral Economics)
- Vinayak Dixit (Seminar Title: Risk Perceptions In Transport)
- Will Felps (Seminar Titles: Can We Make (Business) Science Better? Validity, Efficiency, And Relevance and Solutions To The Credibility Crisis In Business Science)
- Xueting Wang (Seminar Title: Quasi-hyperbolic Present Bias: A Meta-analysis)