Amirali Minbashian | lessons from psychology

What management scholars can learn (and have learnt) from the credibility crisis In science

Group of young business people using laptop having a meeting or presentation and seminar in the office

19/03/2019 - 12:00 - 13:00


Room 464, UNSW Business School, UNSW


  • March 19, 2019
  • Speaker: Amirali Minbashian
  • Topic: Lessons From Psychology: What Management Scholars Can Learn (And Have Learnt) From The Credibility Crisis In Science


Psychology and other fields of scientific endeavour have recently been exposed to a credibility crisis in which concerns have been raised about the knowledge base in these disciplines. In this seminar, I will draw on several examples from psychology to illustrate key issues. Some of the major lessons to be learnt from these examples will be highlighted. Following this, I discuss the state of affairs in management research, including recent changes to journal editorial policies.