Every year since 2007, the Centre for Ecosystem Science has been running field trips to Sturt National Park, Strzelecki Regional Reserve and nearby properties under the directive of Professor Mike Letnic. We use these trips to understand the role that top predators are playing in sustaining biodiversity in arid ecosystems.

Each trip, we conduct a range of sampling including pitfall trapping, Elliott trapping, spotlight surveys, vegetation surveys and soil surveys.

If you are interested in more information or volunteering opportunities, please contact Mike at m.letnic@unsw.edu.au.


Foraging and habitat ecology of the yellow-tailed black-cockatoo

There are six species of Black-Cockatoo endemic to Australia. The Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo is one of the largest species, and found from Central/South Eastern Queensland down to the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.

Tackling prey naïveté in Australia’s threatened mammals

Predation from introduced cats and foxes is the major factor responsible for the extinction of wild native mammal populations and the failure of reintroductions of endangered mammals in Australia.

Shrub encroachment as a legacy of native mammal decline

Invasive native scrub cover in arid Australia has increased dramatically over the past century coincident with declines of native mammal species in the critical weight range.