Several funding arrangements are available for specialist equipment required by workers with disabilities or special needs.
Job access
Job access may be contacted to conduct a free workplace assessment for workers with disabilities that fit their criteria. They can also provide funding toward any adjustments needed (e.g. new chair/desk). Generally, this is for a temporary or permanent disability that affects an individual’s everyday work activities and has lasted or is likely to last 2 years.
UNSW Reasonable Adjustment Fund
UNSW has a guideline Reasonable Adjustment Guidelines for Manager of Staff and Potential Staff with Disabilities to assist in covering the costs of more expensive items associated with workplace changes required for those with temporary or permanent disabilities. A work unit can claim for costs of items necessary for the individual. The costs are spread between the individual’s unit budget and the central funds, depending on the cost of the item. Costs of building modifications (e.g. ramps) remain the responsibility of Estate Management.