Humanitarian Engineering Minor

Humanitarian Engineering UNSW ChallENG

Are you studying Engineering so you can truly make a difference in the world?

The Humanitarian Engineering Minor (ENGGA2) covers a breadth of humanitarian activities from disaster response and preparedness to long-term sustainable community development within Australia and overseas. It is a complementary skill to existing engineering disciplines and prepares you to work in challenging and diverse situations to help disadvantaged and disempowered communities and individuals. 

Students must take a minimum of 24 UoC from the courses listed below to complete the Humanitarian Engineering Minor. Please note that not all engineering streams are compatible with this minor offering. 

Humanitarian Engineering Minor - Program Structure

The program structure for the Humanitarian Engineering Minor is as follows:

  • Students must take the following three 6UoC core courses:

    ARTS2755 - Global Development in Practice: Concepts and Practices for Inclusive Development 

    ENGG3001 - Fundamentals of Humanitarian Engineering

    ENGG4102 - Humanitarian Engineering Project *

    *With approval from the Humanitarian Engineering Minor Coordinator, Dr. Andrew Dansie, a student may substitute ENGG4102 Humanitarian Engineering Project only with another suitable humanitarian project/thesis topic completed elsewhere (e.g. Thesis or Project Course). Where a 12 UoC Thesis is substituted, only 6 UoC counts towards the minor, in place of ENGG4102.

  • Students may take up to 6UoC of the following elective courses:

    MINE3910 - Socio-Environmental Aspects of Mining

    CEIC4000 - Environment and Sustainability

    CVEN4701 - Planning Sustainable Infrastructure

    ENGG4103 - International Humanitarian Response

    FOOD4104 - Food and Health Security

    SOLA5056 - Sustainable Energy for Developing Countries

  • Single Degree Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) 
    Students completing the following majors can complete the minor within their program requirements
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Chemical Product Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Photovoltaics and Solar Energy

    Students completing the following majors can complete the minor if they substitute ENGG4102 Humanitarian Engineering Project* only with another suitable humanitarian project/thesis topic completed elsewhere (e.g. Thesis or Project Course). Where a 12 UoC Thesis is substituted, only 6 UoC counts towards the minor, in place of ENGG4102.

    *With approval from the Humanitarian Engineering Minor Coordinator, Dr. Andrew Dansie,


    • Environmental Engineering
    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

    Students completing the following majors cannot complete the minor within their program requirements. Some streams may be eligible to complete the minor where course substitution is approved by their Program and Stream Authority.


    •     Bioinformatics
    •     Computer Engineering
    •     Electrical Engineering
    •     Mechatronic Engineering
    •     Mining Engineering
    •     Petroleum Engineering
    •     Renewable Energy Engineering
    •     Quantum Engineering
    •     Software Engineering
    •     Surveying
    •     Telecommunications

Program coordinator

Assistance for mapping your degree

For assistance on how to include this minor into your degree or to request a project substitution for ENGG4102, please contact Dr. Andrew Dansie

Additionally you can also reach out to Student Support Services to check your eligibility and declare the minor in Humanitarian Engineering via the Stream Declaration service in myUNSW.

Researcher testimonial

“There is a real need to create ‘global citizen engineers’ who can address humanitarian problems faced by societies around the world.” 

Dr Fiona Johnson
UNSW Civil and Environmental Engineering