These progression plans are to be used as a reference only.
The plans are here to help you and should be used in conjunction with the UNSW Handbook so that you are aware of the program requirements. You will be able to map out what courses you have to complete in your degree.
Undergraduate progression plans
3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op
3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Advanced Maths (Hons)
3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Commerce
3674 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Computer Science
3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Economics
3671 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Information Systems
4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Law
3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Science
3554 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op
3523 Bachelor of Commerce / Advanced Math (Hons)
3593 Bachelor of Commerce / Advanced Science (Hons)
3573 Bachelor of Commerce / Arts
3835 Bachelor of Commerce / Aviation Management
3784 Bachelor of Commerce / Computer Science
3565 Bachelor of Commerce / Co-op (Hons)
3597 Bachelor of Commerce / Design
3521 Bachelor of Commerce / Economics
3462 Bachelor of Commerce / Education (Secondary)
3599 Bachelor of Commerce / Fine Arts
3584 Bachelor of Commerce / Information Systems
3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
4733 Bachelor of Commerce / Law
3598 Bachelor of Commerce / Media
3529 Bachelor of Commerce / Science
3564 Bachelor of Economics / Advanced Math (Hons)
3566 Bachelor of Economics / Advanced Science (Hons)
3574 Bachelor of Economics / Arts
3673 Bachelor of Economics / Computer Science
4058 Bachelor of Economics / Education (Secondary)
4744 Bachelor of Economics / Law
3563 Bachelor of Economics / Science
3764 Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) / Commerce
3734 Bachelor of Engineering / Commerce
3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
3964 Bachelor of Information Systems Co-op (Hons)
3134 Bachelor of Material Science and Engineering (Hons) / Commerce
3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op
3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Advanced Maths (Hons)
3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Commerce
3674 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Computer Science
3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Economics
3671 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Information Systems
4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Law
3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Science
3554 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op
3523 Bachelor of Commerce / Advanced Math (Hons)
3593 Bachelor of Commerce / Advanced Science (Hons)
3573 Bachelor of Commerce / Arts
3835 Bachelor of Commerce / Aviation Management
3784 Bachelor of Commerce / Computer Science
3565 Bachelor of Commerce / Co-op (Hons)
3597 Bachelor of Commerce / Design
3521 Bachelor of Commerce / Economics
3462 Bachelor of Commerce / Education (Secondary)
3599 Bachelor of Commerce / Fine Arts
3584 Bachelor of Commerce / Information Systems
3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
4733 Bachelor of Commerce / Law
3598 Bachelor of Commerce / Media
3529 Bachelor of Commerce / Science
3564 Bachelor of Economics / Advanced Math (Hons)
3566 Bachelor of Economics / Advanced Science (Hons)
3574 Bachelor of Economics / Arts
3673 Bachelor of Economics / Computer Science
4058 Bachelor of Economics / Education Secondary
4744 Bachelor of Economics / Law
3563 Bachelor of Economics / Science
3764 Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) / Commerce
3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
3964 Bachelor of Information Systems Co-op (Hons)
3134 Bachelor of Material Science and Engineering (Hons) / Commerce
3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op
3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Commerce
3674 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Computer Science
3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Economics
3671 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Information Systems
4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Law
3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Science
3554 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op
3523 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Math (Hons)
3593 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Science (Hons)
3573 Bachelor of Commerce/ Arts
3835 Bachelor of Commerce/ Aviation Management
3784 Bachelor of Commerce/ Computer Science
3565 Bachelor of Commerce/ Co-op (Hons)
3597 Bachelor of Commerce/ Design
3521 Bachelor of Commerce/ Economics
3462 Bachelor of Commerce/ Education (Secondary)
3599 Bachelor of Commerce/ Fine Arts
3584 Bachelor of Commerce/ Information Systems
3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
4733 Bachelor of Commerce/ Law
3598 Bachelor of Commerce/ Media
3529 Bachelor of Commerce/ Science
3564 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Math (Hons)
3566 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Science (Hons)
3574 Bachelor of Economics/ Arts
3673 Bachelor of Economics/ Computer Science
4058 Bachelor of Economics/ Education Secondary
4744 Bachelor of Economics/ Law
3563 Bachelor of Economics/ Science
3764 Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/ Commerce
3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
3964 Bachelor of Information Systems Co-op (Hons)
3134 Bachelor of Material Science and Engineering (Hons)/ Commerce
- 3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
- 3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Co-op)
- 3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Commerce
- 3674 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Computer Science
- 3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Economics
- 3671 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Information Systems
- 4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Law
- 3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Science
- 3502 Bachelor of Commerce
- 3554 Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op)
- 3565 Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op) (Hons)
- 3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
- 3523 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Math (Hons)
- 3593 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3573 Bachelor of Commerce/ Arts
- 3835 Bachelor of Commerce/ Aviation Management
- 3784 Bachelor of Commerce/ Computer Science
- 3575 Bachelor of Commerce/ Design
- 3521 Bachelor of Commerce/ Economics
- 3462 Bachelor of Commerce/ Education (Secondary)
- 3572 Bachelor of Commerce/ Fine Arts
- 3584 Bachelor of Commerce/ Information Systems
- 4733 Bachelor of Commerce/ Law
- 3596 Bachelor of Commerce/ Media (PR & Advert)
- 3460 Bachelor of Commerce/ Music
- 3529 Bachelor of Commerce/ Science
- 3543 Bachelor of Economics
- 3564 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Math (Hons)
- 3566 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3574 Bachelor of Economics/ Arts
- 3673 Bachelor of Economics/ Computer Science
- 4058 Bachelor of Economics/ Education (Secondary)
- 4744 Bachelor of Economics/ Law
- 3563 Bachelor of Economics/ Science
- 3764 Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/ Commerce
- 3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
- 3964 Bachelor of Information Systems (Co-op)(Hons)
- 3134 Bachelor of Material Science and Engineering (Hons)/ Commerce
- 3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
- 3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Co-op)
- 3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Commerce
- 3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Economics
- 4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Law
- 3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Science
- 3674 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Computer Science
- 3671 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Information Systems
- 3502 Bachelor of Commerce
- 3554 Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op)
- 3565 Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op) (Hons)
- 3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
- 3523 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3593 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3573 Bachelor of Commerce/ Arts
- 3835 Bachelor of Commerce/ Aviation (Management)
- 3784 Bachelor of Commerce/ Computer Science
- 3575 Bachelor of Commerce/ Design
- 3521 Bachelor of Commerce/ Economics
- 3462 Bachelor of Commerce/ Education (Secondary)
- 3572 Bachelor of Commerce/ Fine Arts
- 3584 Bachelor of Commerce/ Information Systems
- 4733 Bachelor of Commerce/ Law
- 3596 Bachelor of Commerce/ Media (PR & Advert)
- 3529 Bachelor of Commerce/ Science
- 3543 Bachelor of Economics
- 3566 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3574 Bachelor of Economics/ Arts
- 4058 Bachelor of Economics/ Education (Secondary)
- 4744 Bachelor of Economics/ Law
- 3563 Bachelor of Economics/ Science
- 3564 Bachelor of Economics/Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3673 Bachelor of Economics/Computer Science
- 3764 Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) / Commerce
- 3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
- 3964 Bachelor of Information Systems (Co-op) (Hons)
- 3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
- 3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op
- 3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Commerce
- 3674 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Computer Science
- 3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Economics
- 3671 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Information Systems
- 4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Law
- 3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Science
- 3502 Bachelor of Commerce
- 3554 Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op)
- 3565 Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op) (Hons)
- 3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
- 3573 Bachelor of Commerce/ Arts
- 3523 Bachelor of Commerce/Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3593 Bachelor of Commerce/Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3835 Bachelor of Commerce/Aviation (Management)
- 3784 Bachelor of Commerce/Computer Science
- 3575 Bachelor of Commerce/Design
- 3521 Bachelor of Commerce/Economics
- 3462 Bachelor of Commerce/Education (Secondary)
- 3572 Bachelor of Commerce/Fine Arts
- 3584 Bachelor of Commerce/Information Systems
- 4733 Bachelor of Commerce/Law
- 3596 Bachelor of Commerce/Media (PR & Advert)
- 3529 Bachelor of Commerce/Science
- 3543 Bachelor of Economics
- 3564 Bachelor of Economics/Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3566 Bachelor of Economics/Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3574 Bachelor of Economics/Arts
- 3673 Bachelor of Economics/Computer Science
- 4058 Bachelor of Economics/Education (Secondary)
- 4744 Bachelor of Economics/Law
- 3563 Bachelor of Economics/Science
- 3764 Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/Commerce
- 3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
- 3964 Bachelor of Information Systems (Co-op) (Hons)
- 3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
- 3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op
- 3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Commerce
- 3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Economics
- 4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Law
- 3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Science
- 3502 Bachelor of Commerce
- 3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
- 3554 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op
- 3565 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op (Hons)
- 3523 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3593 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3573 Bachelor of Commerce/ Arts
- 3835 Bachelor of Commerce/ Aviation (Management)
- 3784 Bachelor of Commerce/ Computer Science
- 3575 Bachelor of Commerce/ Design
- 3521 Bachelor of Commerce/ Economics
- 3462 Bachelor of Commerce/ Education (Secondary)
- 3764 Bachelor of Commerce/ Engineering (Hons)
- 3572 Bachelor of Commerce/ Fine Arts
- 3584 Bachelor of Commerce/ Information Systems
- 4733 Bachelor of Commerce/ Law
- 3596 Bachelor of Commerce/ Media (PR & Advert)
- 3529 Bachelor of Commerce/ Science
- 3543 Bachelor of Economics
- 3564 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3566 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3574 Bachelor of Economics/ Arts
- 4058 Bachelor of Economics/ Education (Secondary)
- 4744 Bachelor of Economics/ Law
- 3563 Bachelor of Economics/ Science
- 3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
- 3964 Bachelor of Information Systems Co-op (Hons)
- 3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
- 3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op
- 3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Commerce
- 3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Economics
- 4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Law
- 3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Science
- 3502 Bachelor of Commerce
- 3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
- 3554 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op
- 3565 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op (Hons)
- 3523 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3593 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3573 Bachelor of Commerce/ Arts
- 3835 Bachelor of Commerce/ Aviation (Management)
- 3784 Bachelor of Commerce/ Computer Science
- 3568 Bachelor of Commerce/ Design (Hons)
- 3521 Bachelor of Commerce/ Economics
- 3462 Bachelor of Commerce/ Education (Secondary)
- 3764 Bachelor of Commerce/ Engineering (Hons)
- 3567 Bachelor of Commerce/ Fine Arts
- 3584 Bachelor of Commerce/ Information Systems
- 4733 Bachelor of Commerce/ Law
- 3559 Bachelor of Commerce/ Media (PR & Advert)
- 3529 Bachelor of Commerce/ Science
- 3543 Bachelor of Economics
- 3564 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3566 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3574 Bachelor of Economics/ Arts
- 4058 Bachelor of Economics/ Education (Secondary)
- 4744 Bachelor of Economics/ Law
- 3563 Bachelor of Economics/ Science
- 3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
- 3964 Bachelor of Information Systems Co-op (Hons)
- 3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
- 3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op
- 3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Commerce
- 3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Economics
- 4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Law
- 3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Science
- 3502 Bachelor of Commerce
- 3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
- 3554 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op
- 3565 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op (Hons)
- 3523 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3593 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3573 Bachelor of Commerce/ Arts
- 3835 Bachelor of Commerce/ Aviation (Management)
- 3784 Bachelor of Commerce/ Computer Science
- 3568 Bachelor of Commerce/ Design (Hons)
- 3521 Bachelor of Commerce/ Economics
- 3462 Bachelor of Commerce/ Education (Secondary)
- 3764 Bachelor of Commerce/ Engineering (Hons)
- 3567 Bachelor of Commerce/ Fine Arts
- 3584 Bachelor of Commerce/ Information Systems
- 4733 Bachelor of Commerce/ Law
- 3559 Bachelor of Commerce/ Media (PR & Advert)
- 3529 Bachelor of Commerce/ Science
- 3543 Bachelor of Economics
- 3564 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3566 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3574 Bachelor of Economics/ Arts
- 4058 Bachelor of Economics/ Education (Secondary)
- 4744 Bachelor of Economics/ Law
- 3563 Bachelor of Economics/ Science
- 3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
- 3964 Bachelor of Information Systems Co-op (Hons)
- 3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
- 3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op
- 3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Commerce
- 3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Economics
- 4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Law
- 3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Science
- 3502 Bachelor of Commerce
- 3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
- 3554 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op
- 3565 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op (Hons)
- 3523 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3593 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3573 Bachelor of Commerce/ Arts
- 3835 Bachelor of Commerce/ Aviation (Management)
- 3967 Bachelor of Commerce/ Computer Science
- 3568 Bachelor of Commerce/ Design (Hons)
- 3521 Bachelor of Commerce/ Economics
- 3562 Bachelor of Commerce/ Education (Secondary)
- 3764 Bachelor of Commerce/ Engineering (Hons)
- 3567 Bachelor of Commerce/ Fine Arts
- 3584 Bachelor of Commerce/ Information Systems
- 4733 Bachelor of Commerce/ Law
- 3559 Bachelor of Commerce/ Media (PR & Advert)
- 3529 Bachelor of Commerce/ Science
- 3543 Bachelor of Economics
- 3564 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Maths (Hons)
- 3566 Bachelor of Economics/ Advanced Science (Hons)
- 3574 Bachelor of Economics/ Arts
- 4058 Bachelor of Economics/ Education (Secondary)
- 4744 Bachelor of Economics/ Law
- 3563 Bachelor of Economics/ Science
- 3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
- 3964 Bachelor of Information Systems Co-op (Hons)
- 3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
- 3587 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op
- 3155 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Commerce
- 3588 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Economics
- 4737 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Law
- 3154 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Science
- 3589 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Science (Advanced Maths)
- 3502 Bachelor of Commerce
- 3558 Bachelor of Commerce (International)
- 3554 Bachelor of Commerce Co-op
- 3593 Bachelor of Commerce/ Advanced Science
- 3522 Bachelor of Commerce/ Arts
- 3835 Bachelor of Commerce/ Aviation (Management)
- 3967 Bachelor of Commerce/ Computer Science
- 3568 Bachelor of Commerce/ Design (Hons)
- 3521 Bachelor of Commerce/ Economics
- 3562 Bachelor of Commerce/ Education (Secondary)
- 3567 Bachelor of Commerce/ Fine Arts
- 3584 Bachelor of Commerce/ Information Systems
- 4733 Bachelor of Commerce/ Law
- 3559 Bachelor of Commerce/ Media (PR & Advert)
- 3529 Bachelor of Commerce/ Science
- 3523 Bachelor of Commerce/ Science (Adv Maths)
- 3543 Bachelor of Economics
- 3552 Bachelor of Economics/ Arts
- 4058 Bachelor of Economics/ Education (Secondary)
- 4744 Bachelor of Economics/ Law
- 3563 Bachelor of Economics/ Science
- 3564 Bachelor of Economics/ Science (Adv Maths)
- 3566 Bachelor of Economics/ Science (Adv Science)
- 3764 Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/ Commerce
- 3979 Bachelor of Information Systems
- 3971 Bachelor of Information Systems Co-op
Postgraduate progression plans
Want some advice on your career choice?
- Connect with our Business School Alumni via Career Accelerator to receive practical advice on how to get a job in their field, and insight into employers and industries.
- Consult our Program Coordinators for specific queries about how the major(s)/specialisation(s) can match with your career choice.
- Plan ahead by speaking with the UNSW Careers and Employment consultants, who will help you to find resources to help develop your career and link you with potential employers.