UNSW provides a variety of scholarships, prizes, and awards to recognise student excellence and encourage potential.

We offer a range of scholarships for domestic and international students, high school leavers, current students, postgraduate and postgraduate research students. There are many opportunities that are specific to your study at UNSW Business School.


All UNSW scholarships reward excellence, encourage international mobility, diversity and equity. We help students with their professional development and provide the financial assistance to help them achieve their potential.  

View UNSW Scholarships to discover whether you’re eligible and how to submit applications.

Prizes & awards 

UNSW offers several prizes and awards to acknowledge academic achievement and leadership during your studies at UNSW Business School. Browse UNSW Prizes to determine which UNSW Business School prizes you may be eligible for. 

UNSW Business school donors and supporters  

On behalf of everyone at UNSW Business School, we would like to thank all our individual and corporate donors for their ongoing support. As a donor you have the power to make immediate and lasting impact on the lives of our students. If you are interested in supporting our students please visit Giving for more information. 

Discover the Gail Kelly Global Leaders Scholarship with recipient Edward Bartolo

Discover the Mattick Scholarship in Business with past recipient Bronte Gooley