Our research

The School of Information Systems & Technology Management, UNSW Business School has strong research outcomes, especially in the key areas of Agile and LEAN methodology in project management, eHealth, Open Innovation and cloud computing.
Research areas in the School of Information Systems & Technology Management include:
- Impact of information systems on people, organisations, government and society
- Information systems strategy and management
- Emerging methodologies for delivering high value Information systems e.g. agile and lean development
- Role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Information systems executives
- Information systems for innovation and open innovation
- Enterprise systems
- Operations management
- Business analytics and decision making
- Applications of the internet e.g. e-business, e-health, e-democracy
- Information systems for social networking
- Information systems risk, security and forensics
- Global supply chain management
- Business process design and management
- Service quality management
- Design thinking, opens in a new window