Economics Summer School

9 - 13 December 2024

Stock market data chart display ticker board concept

The School of Economics at UNSW Sydney offers a unique learning experience through its ECONOMICS SUMMER SCHOOL. Our program is aimed not only at current students, but also practitioners from both the public and private sectors. Taught by world-renowned experts from UNSW, our program offers a deep dive in state-of-the-art approaches in Economics. Carefully designed to meet the diverse needs and interests of our participants, the UNSW Economics Summer School will bring participants to the current Economic forefront.

2024 program

Modern economy accounting

Morning Session

Expectations in Macroeconomics: Theory, Empirics and Policy

Magnifying glass on charts graphs spreadsheet paper. Financial development, Banking Account, Statistics, Investment Analytic research data economy, Stock exchange trading, Business office company meeting concept.

Afternoon Session

Empirical Methods for Causal Inference

Key dates

9-13 December, 2024


UNSW Economics Summer School is a week-long, full day, in person event. However, we also allow for the possibility of attending only half of the program and enrolling only into the morning or afternoon sessions.

Full program

Regular: $2,250 AUD

Student: $1,350 AUD

1/2 program: Morning or afternoon session only

Regular: $1,250 AUD per session

Student: $750 AUD per session