High value & high risk records

records & archives image

The University is required to identify and document its high risk and high-value records and information, and the systems that manage them.

High value and high-risk records are one (or more) of the following:

  • Records the University is required to retain for more than 20 years
  • Records of the University’s core activities (research, teaching)
  • Records of the University’s key corporate functions (personnel, finance)
  • Records containing personal information
  • Records containing personal health information
  • Records of agreements and contracts >$150K (inc. GST)
  • Records of significant organisational change

High-risk high value records register

The register of UNSW High-risk & high-value records is maintained within RAMS and can be viewed by RAMS users directly.

Alternatively, you may contact us to request access to the Register.

Contact us

If you are able to contribute to this list, please get in touch.

Have a question?

Contact the Records Team on 02 9385 2861 or email records@unsw.edu.au / Contact the Archives Team on 02 9385 2906 or email archives@unsw.edu.au