Graphic Identities

Graphic Identities highlights eight ground-breaking Australian design archives from the Powerhouse collection. Featuring work from eight celebrated 20th century designers –Douglas Annand, Frances Burke, Dahl Collings, Alistair Morrison, Gordon Andrews, Pieter Huveneers, Shirley de Vocht and Arthur Leydin – the exhibition explores the role of visual communication in shaping Australian design culture.
Students studying Graphics 2 in the UNSW Bachelor of Design program were invited to develop a visual identity for Graphic Identities in response to the exhibition themes. They were then asked to apply the identity across a range of deliverables including signage and an exhibition guide. For many of these second-year students, this was their first experience designing a visual identity.
Showcased below are twelve projects selected by Keinton Butler, Senior Curator, Powerhouse. Find out more, opens in a new window about the Powerhouse exhibition.

Acknowledgement of Country
UNSW School of Art & Design stands on an important place of learning and exchange first occupied by the Bidjigal and Gadigal peoples.
We acknowledge the Bidjigal and Gadigal peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the land that our students and staff share, create and operate on. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and extend this respect to all First Nations peoples across Australia. Sovereignty has never been ceded.
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