UNSW's Societal Impact framework

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Bronwyn OLIVER Globe 2002

Our shared, anchoring purpose and commitment to improve life on earth.

The development of UNSW’s first Societal Impact Framework is taking place in 2024. This framework will inform the next UNSW Strategy beyond 2025 and will identify areas where UNSW can have the greatest positive impact on society. The framework will also define our unique capabilities that enable societal impact, and guide how we measure and evaluate it. The consultation process is a critical data collection mechanism for understanding where UNSW excels and why. Your knowledge and contributions are invaluable in shaping UNSW’s Societal Impact Framework, and we want to hear your thoughts and insights as we work towards creating a meaningful and impactful strategy for the future.

Societal impact encompasses the ability to improve the world by progressing environmental sustainability and resilience, social cohesion, health, and wellbeing, and economic prosperity for all. As society grows more dynamic and complex, we need to be increasingly innovative, multi-disciplinary and strategic in our approach.

A comprehensive Discussion Paper is now available. The purpose of this paper is to create a shared understanding of what UNSW’s Societal Impact Framework is aiming to achieve and the importance of the consultations as a key source of insights. Early views and research presented in this paper will undergo changes as we listen, learn and reconsider during the consultations.

Why it matters

The Societal Impact Framework will be our shared, anchoring purpose for all that we do.

Attila Brungs - Vice Chancellor and President, UNSW.

Have your say

Our staff

Your input matters. Register to participate in the consultation to shape how UNSW pursues its global impact. 

Our students

Be part of the change you want to see. Voice your ideas and contribute to our collective impact.

Our extended community

We value the input of UNSW alumni, government officials, philanthropists, and industry and non-profit leaders in our community. Your perspectives are vital to our mission. 

Indigenous peoples

Join our dedicated consultations for Indigenous peoples as we recognise your knowledge and contributions to shaping our societal impact approach.

Contact us

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Societal Impact Framework or the consultation process, please get in touch.