
MATH2301 is a Mathematics Level II course.

Units of credit: 6

Prerequisites: MATH1031(CR) or MATH1231 or MATH1241 or MATH1251 or DPST1014

Exclusions: MATH2089, CVEN2002, CVEN2702

Cycle of offering: Term 1

Graduate attributes: The course will enhance your research, inquiry and analytical thinking abilities.

More information: This recent course outline (pdf) contains information about course objectives, assessment, course materials and the syllabus.

The Online Handbook entry contains up-to-date timetabling information.

If you are currently enrolled in MATH2301, you can log into UNSW Moodle for this course.

Course description

This course introduces mathematical computing, programming and visualization using Matlab, with a focus on mathematical modelling and simulation. Introduction to Matlab, floating point arithmetic, difference equations, nonlinear equations, numerical differentiation and integration, initial value problems.