The following students are a sample of those who have completed Honours degrees with us in recent years

  • Luca Ferraro (2024), with Amandine Schaeffer, "Drift of the Blue Bottle: Comparing theoretical, experimental and modelling approaches"

    Jiarui (Rebecca) Li (2024), with Adelle Coster, "Mathematical Modelling of Malaria Parasite Viability Quantification" 

    Yu Cheng (Tony) Ye (2024), with Chris Tisdell, "Graphical and dynamic representation of mathematical concepts"

    Minghao Mo  (2024), with Josef Dick,  "Using ReLU Neural Network To Solve Differential Equations"

    Luis Silva (2024), with Chris Angstmann and Steffen Docken, "Mathematical modelling of the effects of gene therapy on HIV infection"

    Shengli (Frank) Yan (2024), with Quoc Le Gia, "Modelling interest rates: Forward and inverse problems"

    Joshua Lam (2024), with Chris Tisdell, An analysis of Magnetohydrodynamic squeeze flow of Cassion fluid between parallel plates"

    Mark Geha (2024), with Chris Tisdell, "An investigation into the lfow of a laminar fluid under the effect of two non-porous converging parallel plates"

    Asm Shahrir Ifti (2024), with Daniel Han, "Stochastic Approaches to Neural Synaptic Connectivity"

    Max Galettis (2024), with Daniel Han, "Understanding Neuron Growth and Function with Self Avoidant Branching"

    Nathan Ting Kwan Lee (2024), with Frances Kuo, "Analysis of path tracing in the lens of Quasi-Monte Carlo"

    Margaret Ritchie (2024), with Jan Zika, "Using Gaussian Mixture Modelling to charaterise the Ocean"

    Siddhant Saha (2024), with Jan Zika, "Quantifying the impact of bushfires on real estate prices"

    Louie Luo (2023), with Chris Tisdell, (TBC)

    Kevin Dai (2023), with Chris Goodrich, "The Discrete Fractional Difference is a Translated Convolution"

    Jaime Levine (2024), with Mareike Dressler, "Will you regret sending yours kids home on the school bus? An invesitgation into regret minimisation school bus routing problems"

    Billy Jet Lim (2023), with Jan Zika,  "A Transport-Based Inverse Solution for Thermohaline Circulation"

    Reg Watson Dowse (2023), with Shane Keating, "Tilting of Mesocale Ocean Eddies in the Tasman Sea"

    Dimitri Tremopoulos (2023), with Chris Angstmann, (TBC)

    Daniel Ma (2023), with Quoc Thong Le Gia, "Dynamic pricing with neural networks"

    Anthony Tran (2023) with Quoc Thong Le Gia, "Machine Learning Techniques in Option Pricing" 

    Ting Li (2022), with Quoc Thong Le Gia, "Portfolio Optimisation with Neural Networks".

    Ethan Mitchell (2022, University Medal), with Erik Meijering & Adelle Coster, "Spiking Neural Networks: A Biologically Informed Approach to Classification".

    Greta Paget (2022), with Shane Keating, "Graph theory methods for classifying and tracking clusters of ocean eddies".

    Noah Vinod (2022), University Medal), with Thanh Tran, "On the Existence and Uniqueness of Regular Solutions to a Nonhomogeneous Landau-Lifshitz equation".

    Rui Xiao (2022), with Frances Kuo, "Application of quasi-Monte Carlo methods and the preintegration technique to option pricing".

    Benjamin Akres (2021), with Vera Roshchina, "Clustering nodes in graphs using Voronoi diagrams".

    Josh Li (2021), with Jan Zika, "Investigation of the coevolution of moisture and tropical convection".

    Rishikesan Maran (2021), with Jeya Jeyakumar, "Supervised Machine Learning under Data Uncertainty using Robust Optimisation".

    Michelle Qiu (2021), with Quoc Thong Le Gia, "Machine learning techniques for imbalanced data with an application in finance"

    Aldhytha Karina Sari (2021), with Frances Kuo, "Fast Component-By-Component Construction of Good Lattice Rules for Integration and Function Approximation". 

    Callum Scott (2021), with Quoc Thong Le Gia, " Solving partial differential equations using neural networks"

    Brock Sherlock (2021), with Adelle Coster and Quoc Thong Le Gia, "Oncolytic Virus Treatment of Human Breast Cancer Cells Modelling Therapy Efficacy".

    Haohao Chen (2020), with Josef Dick, "Constructing low discrepancy point sets in high dimensions using clustering". 

    Kao Yue Raymond Cheng (2020)

    Boris Zhou Huang (2020), with Wolfgang Schief, "Discrete analogues of classical theorems on circular cross sections of ellipsoids and their isometric deformations".

    Eleni Knapp (2020), with Adelle Coster, "Mathematical Modelling of Malaria Parasite Maturation as a Function of Intracellular RNA". Joint supervision with David Khoury and Deborah Cromer, Kirby Institute UNSW.

    Daniel Inkyu Lee (2020), with Amandine Schaeffer, "Drifting Dynamics of the Bluebottle"

    Chris Lee (2020), with Quoc Thong Le Gia, "Machine Learning techniques applied to COVID-19 literature clustering"

    Alex Luo (2020) (Quantitative Risk), with Vera Roshchina, "Finite Convergence of Douglas-Rachford Method".

    Sehyun Park (2020)

    Alexander Brendan Robinson (2020)

    Alexander Rohan Hickie Rowell (2020), with Guoyin Li, "Extrapolated Bregman proximal methods for a class of nonconvex optimization problems with applications".

    Abirami Srikumar (2020, University Medal), with Frances Kuo, "Lattice rules for multivariate function reconstruction and recursive strategies for high dimensional integrals in quantum physics".

    Charles Paul Stinson (2020), with Chris Tisdell, "Extensions of Fixed Point Theorems Involving Two Metrics Via an Analysis of Iterated Functions". 

    Kevin Tian (2020), with Gary Froyland, "Finite-Time Coherent Sets For Stenosed Blood Flow".

    Sida Wang (2020), with Jan Zika, "A Water Mass Transformation Based Model of Ocean Tracer Uptake".

    Ryan Anson (2019), with Bruce Henry, "Continuous Time Random Walks and Fractional Diffusion". 

    Anthony Victor Bebawi (2019), with Adelle Coster, "The Persistence of Malaria: Dynamical Systems Approaches in Human Subjects".

    Sabrina Deo (2019), with Vera Roschina, "Optimal Selling Mechanisms in a Discrete Setting with Budget Constraints".

    Christos Kollias (2019), with Gary Froyland, “Lung Cancer Imaging Optimization”.

    Tianchen Lan (2019), with Guoyin Li, "Conic Programs and its Applications to Trust Region Problems".

    Allan Loi (2019, University Medal), with Josef Dick, "Constructive approximations with neural networks". 

    Ryan McKewen (2019), with Vera Roschina, "Robust Cell-Wise Construction of Higher Order Voronoi Diagrams and Applications on Infinite Point Sets".

    Jordan Van (2019), with Frances Kuo, "Comparing and Constructing Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods for High Dimensional Integration".

    Daniel Woolnough (2019, University Medal), with Jeya Jeyakumar, "Adjustable Robust Optimization: Theory, Methods and Applications".

    Miriam Greenbaum (2018), with Josef Dick and Peter Straka

    Kenny Ghin Sie Lau (2018, University Medal)

    Christopher Bladwell (2017), with Gary Froyland, "Coherent structures in ocean flows at 1000m depth".

    James Hortle (2017), with Quoc Thong Le Gia, "Alzheimer's Disease Detection via Machine Learning"

    Daniel Picone (2017), with Gary Froyland, "Optimal image quality of four-dimensional cone beam computed tomography by integer programming".

    Aiden Wong (2017, University Medal), with Jeya Jeyakumar, "Bilevel optimization and  principal-agent problems".

    Antony Patterson (2016), with Trevor McDougall, "Approximating neutral density surfaces using cellular automata".

    Manoj Kumar Palani (2016), with Chris Tisdell, "Fractional differential equations".

    Chris Rock (2016), with Gary Froyland, "Movement and acquisition scheduling in four-dimensional cone beam computed tomography".

    Sen Yun Katherine Tay (2016), with Chris Tisdell, "How can mobile devices improve learning by allowing instant and scaled feedback?".

    Fadi Antown (2015), with Gary Froyland, "Application of the isoperimetric problem in dynamical systems".

    Anna McGann (2015), with Bruce Henry and Chris Angstmann, "Generalising epidemiological SIR models with continuous time random walks".

    James Ross (2015), with Gary Froyland, "Finite-time stable manifolds of non-autonomous dynamical systems".

  • Jiarui (Rebecca) Li (2024), with Adelle Coster, "Mathematical Modelling of Malaria Parasite Viability Quantification"

    Zach Leon (2024), with Anna Romanov, "Unitary representations of SL2(R) and (g,K)-modules"

    Tiana Tsang Ung (2024), with Catherine Greenhill, "Graph Expansion in Higher Dimensions"

    Jay Liang (2024), with Catherine Greenhill, "Analysis of Markov chains through the spectral independence technique"

    James Davidson (2024). with Daniel Chan,  "Tilting theory and the derived category of coherent sheaves on the projective line"

    Matthew Bignell (2024), with Daniel Chan,  "Constructing the Hilbert scheme of points as a Nakajima quiver variety"

    Thomas Arblaster (2024), with David Harvey, "Cubic and Biquadratic Reciprocity"

    Joshua Kaplan (2024), with Dmitry Zanin, "Contact structures: their flexibility and an application to geometric optics"

    Grant James (2024), with Igor Shparlinski and Marley Young, "Multiplicative Dependence over Function Fields"

    Wentao Xia (2024), with Michael Cowling,  "Sobolev Space and Existence Theorems of Weak Solution of Elliptic PDE"

    John Kameas (2024), with Pinhas Grossman, "On the Connection Between Modular Tensor Categories & Metric Groups"

    Aaron Lillis (2024), with Sean Gariner,  "Permutation Polynomials over Finite Fields"

    Phillip Tzioumis (2024), with Thomas Britz, "The Union-Closed Sets Conjecture"

    Mitchell Horner (2024), with Anita Liebenau and Paul Hunter, "Formalising the Erdős-Stone-Simonovits theorem in Lean"

    Aaron Manning (2024), with Alina Ostafe and Igor Shparlinski, "Counting Matrices Over S-units and Smooth Numbers"

    Harry Betts (2023), with Alessando Ottazzi, "The p-Laplace Equation"

    Daniel Ma (2023), with Quoc Thong Le Gia,  "Dynamic pricing with neural networks"

    Anthony Tran (2023), with Quoc Thong Le Gia,  "Machine Learning Techniques in Option Pricing"

    Raphael Douglas Giles (2023), with Behrouz Taji, "Algebraic Surfaces and Contraction Theorems"

    Daniel Dunmore (2023), with Arnaud Brothier, "From Subfactors to Richard Thompson's Groups and their Generalizations" 

    Thomas Dunmore (2023), with Pinhas Grossman, "Categorification of Groups and Frobenius-Schur Indicators"

    Andrew Gorga (2023), with Igor Shparlinski, "Inhomogeneous systems of Diophantine equations over finite fields"

    William Heine (2023), with Catherine Greenhill, "Inevitable structure in arbitrary objects"

    Dominic Matan (2023), with Daniel Chan, "Cubic surfaces and their 27 lines"

    Anastasios Diakos (2023), with Boris Beranger,"Comparative study of inferential methods for spatial extremes"

    Harrison McCowage (2023), with Pinhas Grossman, "The Fredholm index of Toeplitz operators with polynomial symbol"

    Hayden McLean (2023), with Thomas Britz and Diana Combe, "Distance Transitivity in Directed Graphs"

    Dimas Sanjoyo (2023), with Alessandro Ottazzi and Michael Cowling, "Constructing Line Bundles on CP^1"

    Jensen O'Sullivan (2023), with Arnaud Brothier, "Thompson's Group F, Jones Technology, and Knots"

    Jeffrey Yang (2023), with Anita Liebenau, "The threshold bias of the Oriented-cycle game"

    George Maksour (2023), with Boris Beranger, "Reinforcement Learning for Horse Race Betting"

    Justin Clarke (2023), with Yanan Fan,"Graph Structure learning for climate models with graph sparsification

    William Hou (2023), with Libo Li and Ke Sun, "Exploration of Bermudan Option Pricing with Neural Networks"

    Gal Aharon (2022), with Lee Zhao, "Explicit Bounds on Exponential Sums of Hecke Eigenvalues, on the Modular Group SL(2, Z) and Congruence Subgroups"

    Alexander Bednarek (2022), with Behrouz Taji, "Canonical metrics in complex geometry"

    Chandler Corrigan (2022), with Lee Zhao, "On the distribution of zeros for families of Dirichlet L-functions".

    Daniel Czapski (2022), with Ian Doust, "Asymptotic eigenvalue distributions of Gaussian Hermitian random matrices".

    Tasman Fell (2022), with Daniel Chan, "The McKay Correspondence on Kleinian Singularities".

    Adam He (2022), with Jie Du, "Representations of Dynkin quivers and the Ringel-Hall algebra".

    Jee Hyo Lee (2022), with Michael Cowling, "L_p convergence of Fourier–Laplace series in n-dimensional spheres".

    Jodie Lee (2022), with Catherine Greenhill, "Colouring random graphs".

    Fahim Rahman (2022), with Daniel Chan, "An investigation in invariant theory: the Shepard-Todd-Chevalley theorem".

    Joel Springer (2022), with Mircea Voineagu, "Čech cohomology as a cohomology theory".

    Dallas Yan (2022), with Catherine Greenhill, "Approximately counting colourings of sparse linear uniform hypergraphs".

    Spencer Yang (2022), with Catherine Greenhill, "The probabilistic method and positional games".

    Chris Zeng (2022, University Medal), with Alina Ostafe, "The uniform boundedness conjecture in arithmetic dynamics". 

    Tal Zwikael (2022), with Daniel Chan, "Geometric invariant theory and representations of quivers".

    Aditya Ganguly (2021), with Catherine Greenhill, "Existence of 2-factors in random uniform regular hypergraphs".

    Conrad Martin (2021), with Alina Ostafe, "Powers in orbits of rational dynamical systems".

    Ryan Seelig (2021), with Arnaud Brothier, "From a quantum group to a diagram algebra, and back".

    Kevin Shen (2021), with Norman Wildberger, "The Algebra of Boole".

    Dilshan Wijesena (2021, University Medal), with Arnaud Brothier, "A new continuous class of irreducible representations of R. Thompson's groups using Jones' machinery".

    William Beare (2020), with Norman Wildberger, “The Feuerbach Theorem in Universal Geometry”.

    Oliver Bruhl (2020), with Fedor Sukochev, “Ultrapower Techniques in Classical and Noncommutative Probability”.

    Nelson Chen (2020), with Thomas Britz, “Combinatorial Reciprocity Theorems”.

    Christian De Nicola Larsen (2020), with Arnaud Brothier, “Gelfand Duality and its Applications”.

    Zach Edelstein (2020), with Catherine Greenhill and Pavel Krivitsky, “Random Graph Models and their Applications to Social Networks”.

    Lingxiao Gu (2020), with David Harvey, “Elliptic Curves Over the Complex Field”.

    Ray Li (2020, University Medal), with Igor Shparlinski and Alina Ostafe, “Generalizations of Northcott's Theorem”.

    Michael Alexander Libman (2020), with Thomas Britz, “When the Smallest is Greatest”.

    Jackie Lok (2020, University Medal), with Catherine Greenhill, “Markov Chains, Mixing Times, and Cutoff”.

    David Morris (2020), with Thomas Britz, “Attacks on the Various Instances of the Learning with Errors Problem”.

    Dominic Palanca (2020, University Medal), with Norman Wildberger, “Quaternion Symmetrized Algebras and Convolution of Spherical Harmonics”.

    Mitchell Roberts (2020), with James Franklin, “On Applied Mathematics, Formal Systems, and Aristotelian Realism”.

    Jackson Ryder (2020), with Daniel Chan, “How Can We Understand an Abelian Category?”.

    Rumi Salazar (2020), with Daniel Chan, “A Link Between Quotients in Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry”.

    Ryan Snoyman (2020), with Thomas Britz and Michael Bremner, “A Proof of Quantumness”.

    Harrison Denman (2019), with Ian Doust, "The fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces".

    Matthew Di Meglio (2019), with David Harvey, "Chebotarev’s Density Theorem".

    Madeleine Kyng (2019), with David Harvey, "Computing zeta functions of smooth projective curves".

    Alex Patterson (2019), with Alina Ostafe, "Polynomial Dynamics Over Number Fields: Irreducibility Of Iterates And Powers In Orbits".

    Robert Tan (2019), with Libo Li, "Backward Stochastic Differential Equations And Nonlinear Expectations".

    Daniel Tanios (2019), with Thomas Britz, "An Overview Of Conventional And Novel Approaches In Cryptography".

    Daniel Thornton (2019), with Catherine Greenhill, "The Giant Component: Random Graphs And Information Cascades".

    Gary Liang (2018), with Catherine Greenhill, "Spanning Trees In Random Regular Uniform Hypergraphs".

    Ben Madafiglio (2018), with Gary Froyland, "Spectral Geometry Of The Laplacian And Isoperimetic Constants: Cheeger’s Inequality".

    Gavin Robertson (2018, University Medal), with Ian Doust, "Numerical Invariants Of Banach And Metric Spaces".

    Marley Young (2018, University Medal), with Alina Ostafe, "The Arithmetic Of Semigroup Dynamical Systems Over The Cyclotomic Closure Of A Number Field".

    Daniel Altman (2018, University Medal), with David Harvey, "Deterministically factorising integer polynomials modulo many primes simultaneously".

    Jessica Dai (2018), with Thomas Britz, "Matroid properties of linear codes".

    Sean Lynch (2018), with Lee Zhao, "Explicit Large Sieve Inequalities for Square Moduli".

    Alan Stoneham (2018, University Medal), with Ian Doust, "Toeplitz Operators on a Hilbert Space of Analytic Functions".

    Michela Castagnone (2017), with Catherine Greenhill, "Algorithms for generating uniformly random graphs"

    Matthew Hircock (2017), with Ian Doust

    Johann Blanco (2016), with Alina Ostafe, "Dynamics of monomials and Dickson polynomials over finite fields".

    Sebastian Blefari (2016), with Norman Wildberger, "New insights for projective quadrangle geometry".

    Peter Bradshaw (2016, University Medal), with David Harvey, "Algebraic function fields and the Riemann-Roch Theorem".

    Timothy Chan (2016), with Daniel Chan, "Dimer models and their characteristic polygons".

    Tyson Churcher (2016), with Thomas Britz, "The completability of partial Latin squares".

    Duncan Crowley (2016), with Thomas Britz, "Turan numbers of bipartite graphs".

    Harry Crimmins (Gibbs) (2016), with Gary Froyland and Davor Dragicevic, "Statistical laws for dynamical systems by spectral methods".

    Nathan Jackson (2016), with Fedor Sukochev, "The Hilbert Transform: an examination of boundedness and noncommutative generalisations".

    Bradley Lewis (2016), with John Steele, "Spacetimes and their curvature invariants".

    Dorothy Cheung (2015), with Daniel Chan, "Classification of quadratic forms with Clifford algebras".

    Raveen de Silva (2015), with Ian Doust, "Composition C*-algebras".

    Terence Harris (2015), with Michael Cowling, "Rank-one convexity and Lipschitz functions".

    Tracy Jiang (2015), with Jie Du, "Superalgebras".

    Barton Lee (2015), with Catherine Greenhill, "To infinity and beyond: the theory and application of graph limits".

    William Liu (2015), with Donna Salopek and Ben Goldys, "A stochastic partial differential equation for a super Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and its applications in finance".

    Edward McDonald (2015, University Medal), with Fedor Sukochev, "Quantised calculus in one dimension".

    Ramanan Rajkumar (2015), with David Harvey, "An extension of Kummer's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem to the Gaussian integers".

    Dominic Vella (2015), with Ian Doust, "Modern harmonic analysis and the T(1) Theorem".

    Michael Carr  (2015), with David Harvey, "Elliptic curves over qudratic fields".

    Stuart Hatzioannou (2015), with Ian Doust, "An introduction to the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem".

  • Gordon Qi Ye Li (2024), with David Warton, "Using machine learning models for imputation of missing data: a simulation study"

    Christopher Riley (2024), with Feng Chen, "Applications of Neural Networks to Optimal Stopping Decisions in Financial Contexts"

    Hua Yang Hu (2024), with Sarat Moka and Zdravko Botev, "Developing a Python package for COMBSS: best subset selection via continuous optimisation"

    David Rance (2024), with Libo Li, "Neural Networks With Bayesian Hyperparameter Tuning: Applications to A Range of Option Pricing Problems"

    Kevin Zhu (2024), with Zdravko Botev, "An application of U-statistics to uncertainty quantification in kernel density estimation"

    Tsung-Lin Wu (2024), with Zdravko Botev, "Characterizing Stimulus-Evoked Brain Electrical Activity using the Hellinger Correlation"

    Oden Petersen (2024), with Tom Stindl, "Point Process Modelling of Limit Order Books"

    Neel Patel (2023), with Gery Geenens, "Statistics of Rugby League"

    Rahul Ahluwalia (2023), with Rohitash Chandra, “Data augmentation for extreme value forecasting using deep learning”

    Anastasios Diakos (2023), with Boris Beranger, “Comparative study of inferential methods for spatial extremes". 

    Albert Demskoy (2023), with Rohitash Chandra, Joshua Simmons and Nandini Ramesh, “Tropical Cyclones and Sea Surface Temperatures”.

    John Economides (2023), with Scott Sisson, “Theory and Modelling for Discrete Extremes”. 

    Christopher Gordon (2023), with Pavel Krivitsky and Dan Gladish, “Gaussian Process Based Optimisation of STERGM EGMME”. 

    Willliam Hou (2023), with Libo Li and Ke Sun, “Exploration of Bermudan Option Pricing with Neural Networks”.

    Roger Huang (2023), with Yanan Fan and Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux, “Approximate Bayesian Computation with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo”.

    Steven Lim (2023), with Yanan Fan and Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux, “A Wasserstein distance-based goodness-of-fit test for a Bivariate Uniform Distribution”.

    Jaydon Miranda (2023), with Rohitash Chandra, "Theory and computation of spatial extremes"

    Sean Luo (2023), with Libo Li, "Evaluation of Generative Adversarial Networks" 

    Zetian Lyu (2023), with Scott Sisson,"Dimension reduction in approximate Bayesian computation using sliced inverse regression"

    Peinan Li (2023), with Zdravko Botev, "General Linear Regression with Lasso"

    Daniel Chee (2023), with Libo Li, "Martingale Optimal Transport and its Application to Model Independent and Robust Finance" 

    Zetian (Jacky) Lyu (2023), with Scott Sisson, “Dimension reduction in approximate Bayesian computation using sliced inverse regression”.

    James Gabor (2022), with Clara Grazian, "Bayesian simulation methods for estimating long memory in ARFIMA models".

    Shanshui Gu (2022), with Clara Grazian, "RNA splicing with Bayesian network and clustering analysis".

    Jason Lambe (2022, University Medal), with Feng Chen, "Asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood esitmator for the renewal Hawkes process".

    Simon Roberts (2022), with Gery Geenens, "Count time series and the discrete copula probability mass function".

    Haoyang Wang (2022), with Boris Beranger, "Functional peaks-over-threshold analysis of temperatures in Northwest NSW".

    Bian Wenxin (2022), with David Warton.

    Matthew Bellamy (2021, University Medal) (Quantitative Risk), with Libo Li, "Laglad BSDES for Credit risk modelling and their numerical implementation".

    Robert Cantwell (2021, University Medal), with Gery Geenens and Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux, "Towards a self-contained theory for stochastics in the complex plane”.

    Rui Tong (2021), with Zdravko Botev, "Ridge Regression Parameter Estimation: New Theoretical Results and Formulas".

    Peiju Li (2020), with Scott Sisson and Xuhui Fan, "Continuous Time Relational Networks Involving Hawkes Processes". 

    Vincent Minutolo (2020), with Feng Chen and Jakub Stoklosa, "Open Population Size Estimation Using Capture-Recapture Methods".

    Hanwen Xuan (2020), with Feng Chen, "Dynamic Modelling of Price Movements and Trade Durations at Transaction Level". 

    Carl Yang (2020), with Zdravko Botev, "The KLIMAX Method for Model Selection".

    ChenXuan Yang (2020), with Gery Geenens, "Copulas for Binary Responses Given Explanatory Variables". 

    Louis Ye (2020), with Clara Grazian, "Temporal Extensions on Spatial Modelling with Dirichlet Processes". 

    Timothy Yu (2020), with Leung Chan, "Stochastic Volatility Option Finance". 

    Andy Bao (2019), with Zdravko Botev, “Model Selection for Linear Models featuring the KLIMAX Method”.

    Marcus Berkley (2019), with Zdravko Botev, “Updating of Matrix Inverses with Applications in Statistical Learning”.

    Mathew Chen (2019), with Yanan Fan, “Variational Bayesian Approximations in Emission Tomography”.

    Max Fisher (2019), with Scott Sisson and Boris Beranger, “On using parametric distributions as symbolic data”.

    Brendan Fulton (2019), with Libo Li, “Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Go Deep to Price Contingent Claims”.

    Arthur Huang (2019), with David Warton, “Estimating the extinction time of a species from the fossil record”.

    Anant Mathur (2019), with Zdravko Botev, “Likelihood Optimisation for Gaussian Processes”.

    Ian Powell (2019), with Jake Olivier, “Making do: methods for population attributable fractions with insufficient information”.

    Ho Ching Allan Sze (2019), with Feng Chen, “Self-exciting point process modelling of contagion in firm defaults”.

    Ni Tao (2019), with Zdravko Botev, “Applications of EM Algorithm”.

    James Tian (2019), with Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux, “Complex Numbered Linear Regression”.

    Ronald Tran (2019), with Feng Chen, “Point Process Models for Event Sequence Data Analysis”.

    Lewis Wright (2019), with Scott Sisson and Boris Beranger, “Using means to approximate extreme value distributions”.

    Raymond Ye (2019), with Libo Li, “Calibration methods for jump diffusion models and extension to the alpha CIR model”.

    Ivan Muyun Zou (2019), with Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux and Gery Geneens, “Synthetic Dependence Tests based on Deep Learning”.

    Shilong Zhu (2019), with Gery Geenens and Spiro Penev, “Orthogonal Series Estimate for the Square Root Copula Density”.

    Barkev Attarian (2018), with Scott Sisson, “Applications of Quantum Computers in Statistic”.

    Steven Chung (2018), with Peter Straka “Random Survival Forests: An application to a large loan data set”.

    Alexander Lam (2018), with Scott Sisson and Edwin Bonilla, “Density Ratio Estimation in Variational Bayesian Machine Learning”.

    Deborah Le (2018), with Peter Straka, “A regularised approach to identify significant variables and interactions in personal loan data”.

    Zachary Zhaokun Li (2018), with Peter Straka, “Geometric stable (GS) laws are widely applied in modelling financial returns and inter-arrival time between extreme events”.

    Guanting Liu (2018), with Libo Li, “Honest Times and Their Applications in Finance”.

    Melinda Mortimer (2018), with Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux and Wei Wen, “Deep learning methods for lacune detection in MRI”.

    Vishaal Nathan (2018), with Spiridon Penev, “M Locality Preserving Projections for Dimensionality Reduction”.

    Sam Wu (2018), with Libo Li, “Generalising the Meyer-Tanaka Formula and Skorokhod Reflection Lemma to ladlag Optional Semimartingales”.

    Ellaine Bouzanis (2017), with Jake Olivier, “Meta-analysis”.Yudhistira Bunjamin (2017), with Diana Combe, “Combinatorics of designs”.

    Ariana Cabrera (2017), with Yanan Fan, “Bayesian methods for quantile regression”.

    Joseph Hidajat (2017), with Feng Chen “Credit risk modelling”.

    Jeffrey Kwan (2017), with Feng Chen, “Renewal Hawkes process and its asymptotic properties”.

    Brendon Lai (2017), with Zdravko Botev & Shane Keating, “Simulation of Gaussian processes with applications to oceanography”.

    Andrew Li (2017), with Feng Chen, “Application of the EM algorithm to multivariate Hawkes processes”.

    Ben Maslen (2017), with David Warton, “Prospective Power Analysis of Multivariate Data”.

    Prosha Rahman (2017), with Scott Sisson, “Symbolic statistics on point processes”.

    Caitlin Reulein (2017), with Scott Sisson, “Symbolic Data Analysis in Predicting Cell Migration Speeds using Elastic Net Regularisation Techniques”.

    Yi-Lung Chen (2016), with Zdravko Botev, "Simulation from the posteriof of the Bayesian lasso".

    Pradeesh Nallainathan (2016), with Zdravko Botev, "Maximum of random variables under a Gaussian copula".

    Smarak Nayak (2016), with Peter Straka, "Inference on heavy-tailed max-renewal processes".

    Daniel Shnier (2016), with Mircea Voineagu, "Topological data analysis and the neurogenomics of autism".

    Patrick Wong (2016), with Libo Li, "Applications of the Wiener-Hopf factorisation for Levy processes".

    Hiram Yu (2016), with Yanan Fan, "Simultaneous linear quantile regression: a Bayesian approach through g-and-k distribution".

    Richard Dunn (2015), with Gery Geenens, "A nonparametric copula approach to value at risk". (Quantitative Risk Honours)

    Nathan Giang (2015), with Peter Straka, "Extremes of bursty events".

    Hunter Huang (2015), with Pierre Del Moral, "Snell envelope: Approximation framework and application to American options".

    Kevin Lam (2015), with Zdravko Botev, "The dynamic splitting method with an application to portfolio credit risk".

    Kevin Lian (2015), with Scott Sisson, "The theory and analysis of approximate Bayesian computation".

    Jonny Li (2015), with Scott Sisson, "Linear regression modelling for symbolic data via an integrated likelihood approach".

    Varun Nayyar (2015), with Scott Sisson, "Iterative subsampling: Contamination models for intractable likelihoods using ABCs".

    Junyu Nie (2015), with William Dunsmuir, "Continuous time limits of GARCH processes and their stochastic properties".

    Thomas Stindl (2015), with William Dunsmuir, "Estimation for nonlinear non-Gaussian state-space models using higher order Laplace approximation".

    Thomas Whitaker (2015), with Scott Sisson, "Symbolic data analysis using composite likelihoods with an application to spatial extremes".

    James Yang (2015), with Pierre Del Moral, "A mean field approach to conditional diffusions". (Quantitative Risk Honours).

    Xuebin Zheng (2015), with Zdravko Botev, "Perfect simulation from the constrained and censored Bayesian linear regression models".

    Vivian Zhong (2015), with Zdravko Botev, "Auxiliary variable methods in Bayesian inference".

    • William Dang (2024), with Jake Olivier,  "Investigating young driver speeding behaviour in school zones using naturalistic driving study data"
    • George Maksour (2023}, with Boris Beranger, "Reinforcement Learning for Horse Race Betting"
    • Justin Clarke (2023), with Yanan Fan, “Graph Structure learning for climate models with graph sparsification”
    • Thi An Khanh Nguyen (2023), with Pavel Krivitsky, "Bayes-GC-LSTM via Tempered MCMC on Bitcoin Transaction"
    • Jiasheng Huang (2022), with Boris Beranger; co-supervisor Robert Salomone, "Maximum domain of attraction of the sinh-arcsinh distribution".
    • Alex Luo (2020), with Vera Roshchina, "Finite Convergence of Douglas-Rachford Method".