Equity Diversity & Inclusion

Women using laptops

UNSW Science provides a non-discriminatory educational facility that promotes innovation, productivity and progress. At the UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics, we proudly welcome everyone regardless of race, sex, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identification. 

We’re committed to supporting the UNSW's Equity and Diversity Policy and have established an Equity Diversity & Inclusion Committee to facilitate these issues and to guarantee that we offer a comfortable and safe environment for everyone. 

To give feedback on School EDI matters,  propose EDI ideas or initiatives to the School EDI Commitee, or to report a specific School process or incident that is not consistent with best EDI practice, please consult a member of the EDI Committee or fill in the School EDI form available on the Staff Intranet.

To contact an ally@UNSW in the School, please read more below and see this list

Learn more about our EDI initiatives at the Faculty level.

ELS Students

Through the Student Services Office, the UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics provides special provisions for Equitable Learning Services (ELS) students.
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Women in Mathematics and Statistics

Women are still underrepresented in mathematics and statistics; however, our school is working hard to address that imbalance through various initiatives such as our Girls Do the Maths workshops, Women in Mathematics and Statistics program and our Data Science and Decisions female Ambassador program.
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Our School believes that LGBTIQ+ students and staff should be able to enjoy their time with us without experiencing any form of alienation or ill-treatment at the hands of others. Get in touch with one of our School representatives.
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The ALLY Network

The ALLY@UNSW network of trained staff and students aims to ensure that UNSW is a safe and welcoming place for all students and staff who identify as LGBTIQ+. Contact any of the ALLIES and we’ll be happy to provide confidential referral advice.
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Our newsletter 

For a monthly summary of the latest research and information on EDI matters relevant to science, subscribe to ExpEDIte: The Science Equity Diversity & Inclusion Roundup.