The AMSI Summer School 2025 program enables students to take up to two intensive Honours/Postgraduate level courses during the four-week period.  AMSI Summer School is only provided once a year for credit.   In 2025, Summer School returns to a four-week in person event hosted by The University of Sydney (virtual participation also available) from January 6 to January 31, 2025.  Enrolment in MATH5015 at UNSW will be during Term 1 only (not Summer term @ UNSW).

NOTICE:  Applications for AMSI Summer School 2025 have now closed.


The AMSI website provides the courses offered information and you will need to choose two courses; 1 of which you need to sit the exam for and the 2nd course will require a written project for final assessment, the mark will be counted towards your UNSW MATH5015 AMSI course. 

Please view the AMSI Guidelines for key dates to enrol.  

Once you select the two AMSI courses, please provide that information to the appropriate email account.   Honours students email and   Masters students use the email account to seek approval to count toward their program.  Once approval is granted, please fill in the webform linked below. 

Please select your chosen courses in this webform, after visiting the AMSI website linked above and have registered, (before applications closed).

Honours students are required to first discuss enrolment in chosen AMSI courses with their Supervisor and Honours Coordinator for approval, prior to completing the webform linked above.