Occasionally, contentious issues arise between a student and their supervisor, one of their lecturers, or the School. Where possible, these should be amicably resolved by the student and the staff member, in consultation.
If this is not possible, the student or staff member is free to approach the School's designated Grievance Officer, Alan McCarthy. Alternatively, the appropriate Head of Department, Undergraduate Director, Postgraduate Coordinator (Masters Coursework), Postgraduate Research Coordinator or the Head of School can be contacted.
If the problem remains unresolved, the student or staff member may approach the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Students).
At all levels, confidentiality is maintained to the maximum extent possible, consistent with the necessity of ascertaining the facts relevant to the grievance or complaint. For some more information please refer to the UNSW Student Complaint Procedure.
For information regarding disputes over marks, see the School's Assessment Policies page.