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- Michael Tallis PhD Research Travel Award
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Student services
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- Thesis guidelines
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- Mathematics Drop-in Centre
- Consultation
- Statistics Consultation Service
- Academic advice
- Enrolment variation
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- Illness or misadventure
- Application form for existing casual tutors
- ARC grants Head of School sign off
- Computing facilities
- Choosing your major
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Any individual course may have its own rules which are in addition to, or replace, these general rules. The details will be in the Course Homepage and the Initial Handout for the course.
The dates that assignments are due are announced in the Course Homepage and the Initial Handout for the course. These may be changed by the Course Convenor to a later date with an announcement to the class and information on the Course Homepage. They will not be changed to an earlier date without the agreement of the class.
Assignments will normally be provided to students at least 14 days prior to their due date.
Assignments will not be accepted later than the due date except in exceptional circumstances. Any extension of time for a student, where it is not an extension for the whole class, will be noted on that student's record for the course.
Assignments are to be the sole work of the student concerned, unless it is a recognised group project. For Maths-type assignments, any sources other than the course lecture notes, textbooks or listed references are to be acknowledged. Essay-type assignments are to be fully referenced, including the above sources. There are guidelines on plagiarism, opens in a new window and acknowledging sources, opens in a new window provided by the University.
All assignments will be marked, with comments where appropriate, and returned to the student (or made available for collection) in a timely manner.